What Wii game should I buy?

2009-07-25 7:45 am
any suggestions I want something fun that will keep me entertained for at least 2 or 3 hours
and also I want something like adventurous like zelda twilight princess

No price limit

回答 (10)

2009-07-25 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
mario & sonic Olympics,wii sports are quite fun for active kids
wii music is crap
wii fit is nice.......
dragonball is good for boys
super smash brothers brawl awsome best of all
mario cart is not bad
mario soccer is awsome for well most 2 boys
參考: me and people dont copy me !!!
2009-07-25 12:05 pm
Resident Evil 4 wii editon
2009-07-25 7:57 am
I would recommend Super Mario Galaxy.

A really high quality, very engaging game. It will last you much more than 2 or 3 hours. It's not too expensive, either.
2016-02-27 12:46 pm
Donkey Kong Twilight Princess Mario Galaxy
2009-07-25 3:16 pm
People will ask this question time and time again. But what I like will always be different than what you like. The best recommendation is start look in the area of your interests. Then find a site that has a good listing for most all of the New Wii Game releases for 2009 that provides a rating system. A rating system is how much people buying the game liked it. If the game in question is well liked by all then there is a better chance it is a good bet for you.
參考: There are many places online to look but here is a site that has most of the 2009 new game releases with the rating system. The prices are great if you buy there but if not it will help make you selection read some of the reviews for your selection. http://www.wherecanibuyawii.com/new-wii-games/wii-game-releases-for-2009/
2009-07-25 2:10 pm
ssbb and metroid prime corruption
2009-07-25 9:58 am

Go for Mario Kart - it is an amazing game and you will have a lot of fun with it. Must Have for every Wii owner!
2009-07-25 8:19 am
If you like Free Roaming Action Games i would Reccomend Scarface the world is yours. which is an amazing and engaging game which i have been playing for a total of 26 hours so far and i nearly have 100%.
Also if u like those platformer games i deeply Reccomend Super Mario Galaxy which is also amazing and is a great game for all age groups and genders.
參考: My Own Mind.,
2009-07-25 8:02 am
super paper mario or guitar hero
2009-07-25 8:00 am
Well, like you said Zelda: Twilight Princess.
My XBOX360 died so I just got Super Smash Bros. Brawl and its fun so far. I heard of some game called Bit. Trip from WiiWare (Wii DLC) which looks awesome.

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