F4 chem !chem高手請進!

2009-07-24 11:18 pm
1請問metal carbonate 係咪base呀?如果唔係,點解仲可以同作neutrallization?

2.lead (II) nitrate solution + sodium sulphate solution 出 lead (II) sulphate同sodium nitrate...請問依d係咩野reaction?咩野原理?explain more please!

3. metal hydroxide/metal carbonate係咪salt?

4.metal carbonate係咪alkaline when dissolve in water?咁carbon dioxide dissolve in water 係咪acidic?(due to existance of cabonic acid)

5.metal oxide 既solubility in water係點?

6.no. of mole of solute will not change after dilution,所以concentration 會下降after dilution,how about pH value?pH value係depends on hydrogen ions conc. or hydroxide ions conc.,咁solute amount unchange after dilution,pH 所以unchange?

7.what is the pH value of pure acid/pure alkali(can be solid,liquid,gas)?they are conc. or dil.?

8.distilled water,pure water and boiled water, which one is the most favour rusting?which one is the least?distilled water water is more acidic than pure water, is it more favour rusting?

9.after neutralization,the product(salt) 一定係pH 係7?how about complete neutralization?

10.normal salt is one that have pH係7?how about acid salt?what is it?how to form acid salt?

11.why acid can ionize in water?why they form ions rather than atoms?

12.calcium hydroxide 係 strong 定weak alkai?it is considered as soluble in water or insoluble in water when doing mc?its precipitate is white ?

thank you very much!

回答 (2)

2009-07-28 6:30 am
1. carbonates can react with acid
but it is NOT a neutralization reaction.

It is INcorrect to call reactions with acids neutralization.
For example, acid reacts with reactive metals such as Mg and Ca

In addition, Cu can react with concentrated sulphuric acid,
which is an oxidation reaction, but not neutralization.

2. It is called precipitation reaction.
The solubility of lead (II) sulphate is extremely low (insoluble).
So, when lead (II) ion meets sulphate ion, they will become solid.

3. metal carbonate is a salt formed from the reaction between the metal oxide or metal hydroxide AND carbonic acid.
Metal hydroxide......perhaps not a salt. An alkali or base instead....

9. No. See these examples :
HCl + NaOH -> NaCl (pH ~7)
H2CO3 + NaOH -> Na2CO3 (pH>7)
HCl + NH4OH -> NH4Cl (pH <7)

You asked too many in one posting.
I am not going to answer them all
2009-07-25 12:13 am
Q1. metal carbonate 唔係base. 佢係neutrallization入面只係個alkai o既sub or salt.

Q2. lead (II) nitrate solution + sodium sulphate solution 其實入面係有四樣野
lead (II) nitrate(aq)
sodium sulphate(aq)
lead (II) sulphate(aq)
sodium nitrate(aq)
因為入面d ions 係random 撞擊 所以4隻有齊

Q3. 係.

Q4. metal carbonate唔係alkaline when dissolve in water.
carbon dioxide dissolve in water 係acidic. 佢會出carbonic acid.
呢個都係普通雨水係acid o既原因.

Q5. 基本上所有group 1 o既oxides 都係溶水

Q6.pH value係depends on hydrogen ions o既 concentration only
所以dilut 左o既soloution o既pH value 係較之前接近中性(pH7)

Q7.唔明咩野叫pure acid/pure alkali.
但我只知你叫得acid 一定要係aq.
如果唔係佢就唔會有acidic prop.
alkali 有aq. 有gas(NH4)

Q8. 係我字典上distilled water 同pure water 同boiled water係一樣
但如果distilled water water is more acidic than pure water
rusting o既快慢就係 distilled water>pure water=boiled water

Q9. after neutralization,the product(salt)不一定係pH 7
同埋唔關你complete 唔complete事
係關佢係strong/week acid/alkai事

Q10. acid salt 係有酸性o既salt xd
係由strong acid + week alkai undergo neutrallization 出黎

Q11. 呢個有個eg. 係好d
例如HCl..佢一ionize 就出 H+ 同 Cl-
H+(ion) 係比H2 (atom) 較stable 所以form ions rather than atoms

Q12. calcium hydroxide 係 strong alkai
唔係因為佢soluble in water o既問題
係因為佢有OH- ions
佢o既ppt. 係white

參考: f.5 o既我

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