Do you believe in God and why?

2009-07-24 3:25 am

Nice deep answer Kevin, for every cause there is an effect...


Mithu dark matter is not a state of not knowing...

回答 (20)

2009-07-24 3:39 am
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No, and it is really quite a long explaination. There is more than just "because I hate God" or "because I want to sin all my life." Those are ridiculous strawmen created by the fundamentalists.

It has to do a lot with the entire lack of evidence, the arguments from ignorance, our advancing science, logical reasoning, history, psychology, and reading holy books with a historical context. When you read the Bible with an idea of what the people were like back then, you realize just how controlling religion is, and how it has been and still is used for social control.
2009-07-24 3:32 am
No. My reason is very elaborate though.

Avoiding the bible completely, the idea of the god most religions praise is illogical. Most religions praise a god that punishes for your sins. In my opinion this would be pointless, considering that everything that happens is the effect of a cause. In other words, ultimately you have no control over your actions; this would of course explain why we have timelines. So, if you were punished for sins that you were bound to commit that would make the god evil himself.

I believe in a cycle of many lives or something like that. =\
2009-07-24 4:04 am
Yes. I think that Romans 1:20 sums it it nicely " for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the the worlds creation onward,because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and god ship, so that they are inexcusable". And that's so true when you think about the smallest things like cells and atoms to things like the Universe and how it all works together so well there's no way that there couldn't be an Intelligent designer.
2009-07-24 3:40 am
From my past spiritual experience with HIM.
2009-07-24 3:30 am
2009-07-24 3:30 am
hahahaha no chance. god is for the weak people on this planet to blame all their problems on and to do nothing when asked to be proactive
2009-07-24 3:29 am
nope, I'm too old for imaginary friends
2009-07-24 3:29 am
cuz he is not the cookie monster
2009-07-24 3:28 am
No, no reason to.
2009-07-24 3:38 am
Ya because we did not know everything. The all human knowledge till today made up only 5% of all the knowledge about universe. Rest 95% is unknown to all (Dark matter). The things we did not know we take them as work of god, until we know them logically.
2009-07-24 3:34 am
Rom 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves. [fn]
Rom 1:19 For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. [fn] God has put this knowledge in their hearts.
Rom 1:20 From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.
參考: Romans 1:18-20; Holy Bible NLT
2009-07-24 3:29 am
I believe in God because of all the things he has done for me. He gave me the oportunity to have a beautiful family; The Family of God. He gave me the oportunity to know the truth. I can feel his love. I know his Son is the Savior of the world.

I know that I am a child of God. He sent me here and gave me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.

I know that I am a child of God. His promises are sure; Celestial glory shall be mine if I can but endure.

With love,

John The Beloved
2009-07-24 4:09 am
Yes its cause I can feel he is real. Only people that have never tried to know God or people who have half hearted will laugh at me. But honestly when I live what Christ taught and strive to be the best person I can be I am the Happiest. When I do opposite of what Christ taught my life is harder and more complicated. Just by living the Gospel I have come to know that Jesus Christ did die for me and that he lives today. I am thankful for that knowledge.

Just live the gospel for a month and you will see its true.
2009-07-24 3:50 am
I believe in God because there is something wrong with me, and I want to fix it.
2009-07-24 3:39 am
YES !!!! because I can see God in allot of things, I can talk with Him and he talks to me, and beside that it is a Faith thing. Say you don't believe and when you die you find out God is real, and you didn't believe well you have lost every, and on the other hand if I believe God is who He say's He is, which I do,and I die and fine out I was right I get everything and If I die and find out I was wrong then I have lost nothing.because I believe in Him it has made me a better person for believing in Him.
2009-07-24 3:38 am

No proof of god or reason to believe, plus his loudest supporters are usually jerks. Especially fundies.
2009-07-24 3:32 am
Nope. No evidence, and there's no valid reasoning behind believing in a god.
2009-07-24 3:28 am
2009-07-24 3:29 am
I believe in God, because I believe in me.

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