高手請進 (Q.21) Translation

2009-07-23 11:51 pm
Please translate the following Chinese couplet into English ^^


回答 (6)

2009-07-28 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tied to a pear tree, the donkey leaned against the tree and got hit by a fallen pear.
Standing on a basket, the chicken pressed against its edge and got hit by the overturned basket.
參考: just trying
2009-07-25 10:39 pm

The donkey is under the pear tree the donkey falls the pear by the pear to hit the donkey

The chicken station winnow basket presses the winnow basket along on chicken to turn the winnow basket to throw the chicken
參考: Yahoo 聰明筆+myself
2009-07-25 1:23 am
「系」與「繫」通用 ^^

《說文. 卷十三》《系部》: 「系:繫也。」
《釋名》《釋衣服》: 「系,繫也,相連繫也。 」
《後漢書. 紀》《光武帝紀下》: 「 於赫有命,系隆我漢。」

2009-07-24 17:24:47 補充:
對聯平仄問題不是絕對的,在許多情況下可以變通。如對聯中出現疊字、複字、回文、諧趣、音韻等等,可以視具體情況而定。有的因聯意需要時也可以例外。 ^^
2009-07-24 5:48 pm
上聯之「系」, 估計是錯別字, 應是「繫」, 作動詞用, 與下聯「站」

此外, 「驢」與「雞」皆是平聲, 失去「仄起平收」之對聯格律!
2009-07-24 5:39 am


2009-07-23 11:53 pm
The donkey is under the pear tree the donkey falls the pear by the pear to hit the donkey The chicken station winnow basket presses the winnow basket along on chicken to turn the winnow basket to throw the chicken

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