
2009-07-23 1:44 pm
My electronic dictionary has a double symbol function. is KK and DJ..
Q1. What is KK?
Q2. What is DJ?
Q3. What both the symbol have difference?
Q3. 兩種音標有什麼不同?

Lastly please check Q3 sentence grammar right or wrong?

Actually it's has four questions in there ?
Actually it's has four questions in here?
Actually it's has four questions from here?
Actually it's has four questions from there?
Actually it's has four questions of here?
Actually it's has four questions of there?
thank you so much to help my a lots of questions

回答 (2)

2009-07-23 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在你之前有人問過, 可到下面地址去查看 :
it's = it is
it's has = it is has 所以係每一句都錯
好多時用preposition係你想講mac :
in here 在這裡(有裏面的意思)
in there 在那裡(有裏面的意思)
from here 由這裡
from there 由那裡
下面這兩個在這句子內容就唔啱嘞 :
of here -> of 係有關聯性質
of there -> of 係有關聯性質
我估你這句子的意思, 係"實際, 在這裡有4條問題", 應該是 :
Actually it has four questions in here.

如果用'there', 咁就係"實際, 在那裡有4條問題"
Actually it has four questions in there.
你用問號, 即係問題, 並不是give information, 咁就要 :
Actually, does it have four questions in here / there?
2009-07-24 6:20 am


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