
2009-07-23 8:38 am
兒子往英國遊學三星期, 請問佢由英國打電話返香港, 或者我們由香港打俾佢, 用什麼方法最方便? 及最便宜?

回答 (3)

2009-07-23 9:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以叫你兒子去到當地買一張sim card(地點如vodafone,orange,o2,etc),然後top up(增值),你可以在香港打電話比佢,佢接聽電話係唔使錢的~ 係個比較便宜的方法!
另外,佢可以另外再買一張國際電話卡(在china town通常都有),用手提電話打晒卡上指定的號碼+hk的number,就可以打返來~
參考: my experience - lived in UK for years
2009-07-23 8:11 pm
你個仔幾大先?要落唐人街,要買Pay-as-you-go SIM識唔識先?
2009-07-23 8:46 am
buy a SIM card over there, in uk, pick up call doesn't have to pay. (Cheapest, but only one way)
So you can call him.
If you want him can make call to you, ask him to buy phone card over there. dial the phone care number + PIN. It would charge twice, the local call fee and the phone card charge the overseas call.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:58:23
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