Back date

2009-07-23 5:26 am
Please advise how to write a letter for back date L/C ?

回答 (3)

2009-07-25 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你意思係咪想寫一封信通知船公司提單上要求跟L/C上SHPG DATE要BACK DATE呀? if yes, pls note the following~
Dear Sirs,
Re : BACK DATE FOR BL no.xxxxxxx
In order to match with our L/C requirement, please mark the shipment date/on board date as XX jul 2009 instead of now show on BL. Here we enclosed our L/C copy for your reference.
We do take full responsibility on this issue.
Thank you for your kind attention on this matter.
1)要睇清楚係shipment date or on board date 要back date
2) 一般情況,有l/c support + 加上要back date唔超過3-5天. forwarder就一定願意. 但船公司就不一定接受!
Hope abv can help you, tks!

參考: my experience
2009-07-23 5:39 am
yes, you are right, because i cannot catch the shipment date under the L/C requirement, that's why I need to write a letter for back date, can u write the sample for me ? many thanks !
2009-07-23 5:31 am
I don't understand what you want to do with L/C. If the L/C need to change anything, you need to request applicant to make a L/C amendment. Or you need to back date some documents to match L/C requirement.

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