
2009-07-23 12:31 am

本人已於 22/7/09收到人事部的通知, 對於此事本人深感歉意. 而本人現在此下文表述有關沒有顯示上班之出勤記錄的原因:

1. 本人回到公司時遺忘了打咭, (時間較急趕, 習慣性地開了門就沒有打咭的意識)

2. 其後在6月份中旬, 茲因本人遺失了工作証, (在後已找回), 故此期間沒有打咭記錄., (因某些時候用手指來打咭會出現失敗情況)

整月的工作天都有上班的, (除了7月14日的年假外)

另外7月7日, 本人上午到灣仔工作, (礙於時間所限, 故沒有先回到公司打咭)

而7月21日, 本人上午到屯門醫務所看醫生(附有醫生紙証明), 稍後補上.

基於上述種種原因, 本人明白到公司的原則及立場, 故發出此函通知本人予以解釋, 本人明白並以此為警戒, 日後會謹得打咭供人事部作記錄, 並感謝人事部的提醒!

最後, 在往後日子如有關打咭出勤事宜定會與人事部互相配合, 謝謝!

回答 (5)

2009-07-23 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Regarding to the letter I received from personel department on July 22, 2009, I would like to express my deepest apology for it and explain here for the reason of the missing records on my attendence card as below:

1. I forgot to record my attendence when back to office (In my hurry I always habitually walk into the office with no sense to take a record at the entrance.

2. After that, I lost my staff card in mid June (it was found later). Therefore, I was unable to record my attendence. (Sometimes, using USB to take records failed)

Except on July 14 as my annual leave, I have gone to work every working day in June and July, according to attendence record.

And, on July 7, I have gone outside to work in Wanchai. (Due to tight time, I did not come back office to take an attendence record)

And, on July 21, I have gone to see doctor in Tuen Mun clinic that could be proved with my sick leave certificate which will be provided later.

I understand the principal and standpoint of the company in issuing that warning letter to me for my explanation on the matter. I will be alerted of the importance of keeping a good track in attendence record afterwards, for personnel department's record. Thank you so much for its reminder on this!

Eventually, I promise to coordinate well with the department in taking attendence record when working outside in the future, thanks!
2009-07-24 6:58 am


2009-07-23 12:21 pm
I had received the notice from the Human Resources Department on 7/22/09, and I deeply apologize for this matter. I have also listed the reasons of absence as follows:

I forgot to punch in the card when arriving the company (I was in a hurry, and I had no sense of punching in the card after opening the door).
I lost my working ID in the middle of the month (Had retrieved later), so that’s the reason why there was no records of punching in (Sometimes I will fail to punch in due to the fact that I am using my fingers to do so).
In the reporting to work records of June and July, I have been going to work everyday except the annual holiday of July 14th.
On July 7th, I was on the field in Wanchai (I didn’t return to the company to punch in due to the time constraints).
On Jly 27th, I consulted the doctor in the Tuen Mun Clinic. Proof of doctor notice will follow.

Based on the aforementioned reasons, I totally understand the principle and standing of the company. Therefore I wrote this letter to explain my situations. I understand this is a warning, and I will remember to punch in from now on. Thanks for the reminder from the Human Resources Department!

Lastly, I will coordinate with the Human Resources Department in regards to the matters of out on the field. Thank you!

2009-07-23 1:04 am
Myself in 22/7/09 have received human resources departments notice, deeply feels the apology regarding this matter myself. But myself this as follows indication related does not have the demonstration to go to work now the attendance record reason:

1. Myself return to when the company forgot has hit the card, (time caught up with anxiously, routinely opened the door on has not hit card consciousness)

2. After that in June middle ten days, has lost the work identification now because of myself, (after has retrieved), therefore period has not hit the card record. (because, certain time hits card with finger to be able to have defeat situation)

In June and July attendance record, the entire month's workday has goes to work, (besides July 14 new years vacation)

Moreover on July 7, works myself morning to Wanzai, (obstructs in time limits, therefore does not have to return to company to hit card first)

Based on the above all sorts of reasons, myself understand to company principle and the standpoint, therefore sends out this letter to inform myself to explain, myself understand and take this as the security, will hit the card to make the record sincerely in the future for the human resources department, and will thank human resources department reminder!

Finally, like related will hit the card going out on duty matters concerned in the day to be able in the future to coordinate surely with the human resources department, to thank mutually!
But on July 21, goes see a doctor myself morning to the Tuen Mun clinic (attaches medical unfinished paper proof), later makes up.
2009-07-23 12:46 am
22/7/09 I had received notice of the Ministry of Personnel, I deeply apologize for this matter. And below I present this expression does not appear to work on the attendance records of the reasons for this:

1. I have forgotten to return to the company playing cards, (longer than the rising, habitually opened the door there would be no sense of playing cards)

2. Then in mid-June, it is because I lost a work permit, (in the latter have been recovered), the record did not play cards., (For some time to play cards with your fingers there will be failure)

In June and July of attendance records, the
The entire working day every month to work, (with the exception of the July 14 annual leave)

July 7 In addition, I am working in Wan Chai, (due to time constraints, there is no card to play back to the company)

And July 21, I am to see a doctor in Tuen Mun clinic (with doctor's certificate), later.

For all these reasons, I understand that the company's principles and position, so I sent this letter to inform the interpretation and use it as I understand the warning that it will, I would like to have to fight for record cards for the Ministry of Personnel, and thanked the Ministry of Personnel reminder!

Finally, in the coming days if the attendance of playing cards will co-ordinate with the Ministry of Personnel, Thank you!
參考: me

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