英文句子修改~ (超急)

2009-07-22 10:09 am
Dear xxx:

I do apologise for all your expectations you have put on me. Between, Mrs xxx, the admission officer, has recently checked for my status on the phone. I explained to her wether I could be allowed to fight for another attempt on the xxx because I experienced a serious sore throat during the xxx exam which made my xxx exam not satisfy. She would check with my request in the registry and is going to tell me about it soon.

I really hope you could understand my difficulty and would kindly offer me another chance.

因我覺得寫到~完成冇誠意及不夠尊敬~ 請大家高手幫幫忙~20分你地既~

回答 (5)

2009-07-22 12:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX,

I am writing to express my regrets that I have failed to live
up to your expectations. Do accept my apologies!

Mrs xxx, the admission officer, has recently called me to find out
how I had been doing.
I did my best to explain it to her how frustrated I had been
after I suffered from a severe sore throat during the XXX exam.

Sadly, my exam results turned out to be unsatisfactory all because of that.

As she said, she would check with the registry about my request and inform me soon.

I truly hope that you will understand what I have been going through
and kindly offer me a second chance.


2009-07-22 10:37 pm
004 Good!
003 Not bad!

Congratulations to both!
2009-07-22 5:37 pm
I hope I can help you....

Dear xxx:

I do apologise if I have let your down regarding to the xxx exam. Please let me explain.

Recently, Mrs xxx, the admission officer, has checked on my phone status and I explained to her wether I could be allowed to have another attempt on xxx exam because I had a very serious sore throat that day and made the xxx exam performance very unsatisfactory.

She promised she would check with my request with the registry and revert to me soon.

I really hope you could understand my situation and difficulty and appreciated if you would give me another chance.
2009-07-22 12:01 pm
I don't understand what you are trying to say. Please email me a Chinese version, then I can translate for you. My email address is annyinchan@yahoo.com.
2009-07-22 10:19 am
你打咁多xxx 以及d 英文程度唔好所以難明你想點....
我希望幫你但係話我知你想點同 我在邊方面能夠幫助你...


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