
2009-07-22 3:15 am
有人話無蓋既話d野食會有多d microwave,食左會對身體唔好,係咪真嫁?

回答 (2)

2009-07-23 10:51 pm
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其實, 將個飯盒入微波爐叮個陣唔一定要用蓋蓋好.
蓋唔蓋都冇分別, 只不過蓋左就唔會搞到個爐一陣味
而且, microwave具穿透性,能穿透多類玻璃、陶瓷、塑膠及紙張, 蓋左都加到熱.

其實microwave 同光都係電磁波,我們只能看到光,而不能看到microwave, 但係, 除此之外, microwave 同光差唔多冇分別. 可以話,microwave就好似d見唔到既光. 這些microwave 能令食物內的水分子震盪,引致分子互相摩擦,而所產生的熱能便能把食物加熱和煮熟。

當microwave 射落d食物到, microwave係唔會殘留係食物到, 就好似 d光射落d食物到, d光亦都唔會殘留係食物到. 唔通用電筒照下食物, 你會食左d光落肚????? microwave是不會透過食物傳至人體內

2009-07-22 5:54 am
Microwave is electromagnetic energy, which will be absorbed by the food to be cooked and turned to heat. The heat so produced is no different from the heat in the usual heating by fire.
Therefore, you are not able to "eat" microwave. The lid on the container is to avoid loss of water from the food when it is being cooked by microwave so that the cooked food would not become too dry. Also, the lid could prevent the spill of food out of the container when it becomes hot.

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