
2009-07-21 10:01 pm

" 現凡到ABC公司進行維修, 參與維修合約及保養期內之客戶, 即可免費享有機身測試一次. "

回答 (7)

2009-07-21 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Customers who bring their product with valid warranty and repair note to ABC can have one free check-up for their product.

參考: 自己
2009-07-30 11:18 pm
now where to ABC Company, participation in the maintenance contracts and customers of the maintenance period, free fuselage test one time.
2009-07-23 12:14 am
Where is the ABC Company to carry out repairs and maintenance contract to participate in the maintenance period of the customer, can test a free body.
參考: 文字和網頁 - Google 翻譯
2009-07-22 9:13 pm


2009-07-22 7:00 am
The customers can have free test once if they go to ABC company for maintenance. The policy also applies only to those who participate in the maintenance contract and under the guarantee period.
2009-07-21 11:27 pm
"Where is the ABC Company to carry out repairs and maintenance contract to participate in the maintenance period of the customer, can test a free body."
參考: me
2009-07-21 11:03 pm
"Where is the ABC Company to carry out repairs and maintenance contract to participate in the maintenance period of the customer, can test a free body."
參考: I know

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