
2009-07-21 1:51 pm

回答 (5)

2009-07-21 3:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Passerby supposed that it was a decoration. Until the “artistic production” had been completed, they found it suspicious and reported it to the police. At 3:10 a.m., the French street artist, Zevs, sprayed black paint on the logo of the prestige brand “Chanel” being displayed on the exterior wall of Chater House. He also put on a lot of perpendicular lines connecting to it, which gave the logo a melting look. Until the work of art had been completed, the police arrived and arrested him for the reason of criminal damage.
2009-07-24 3:46 am
I am surprised that all answerers, except p760247, could not realize that the original text is a news report!!!

The first line of the original text is definitely the heading, while the other part is the content of the news report.
2009-07-22 9:20 pm


2009-07-21 8:08 pm
Passers-by that the decorations until the "art" to complete before passers-by to report that suspicious.
At 3:10, the French street artist Zevs, black paint sprayed on the external walls of buildings Chater brands Chanel (Chanel) and even the marks of countless straight lines, like brand names are dissolved until the work completed was Police arrived at the scene to the arrest of criminal damage.

2009-07-21 12:09:54 補充:
參考: , 就是如此簡單的嘛~
2009-07-21 7:30 pm
The full text of the translation automatically decoration that passers-by until the "art" to complete before passers-by to report that suspicious. At 3:10, the French street artist Zevs, black paint sprayed on the external walls of buildings Chater brands Chanel (Chanel) and even the marks of countless straight lines, like brand names are dissolved until the work completed was Police arrived at the scene to the arrest of criminal damage
參考: 就是如此簡單的嘛~

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