
2009-07-21 11:08 am
Would you mind translating two sentences thereunder into English for me, thank you so much...

Q1. 你可否先打電話通知她,稍後有位俊男打電話給她..
Q2. 我查完字典之後,還是不明白這編文章.

回答 (4)

2009-07-22 4:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你可否先打電話通知她, 稍後有位俊男打電話給她.
...Could you ring her up first and notify her some handsome guy will give her a call later?

2. 我查完字典之後, 還是不明白這編文章.
...After consulting the dictionary, I still have no idea what this essay is all about.

Seems you are doubtful about the use of the words 'notify' and 'consult'. Yes, you can use 'notify' in the first sentence, and 'consult' in the second.
Of course you can also use 'tell' instead of 'notify' if you are talking to somebody(「口語」而非「書寫語」 ). But then, if you want to stress the idea of 'to inform' (通知 ), it is perfectly alright to use the more formal word 'notify' in conversation.
As for 'consult', we often use it along with 'dictionary'--- to consult a dictionary (查閱字典).
2009-07-22 9:20 pm

2009-07-21 11:28 pm
Q1. You can call the first, she later called her handsome bit ..
Q2. I checked the dictionary after the end, or do not understand this for the article.
參考: me
2009-07-21 11:39 am
1. Can you call her ahead to notify her that a handsome guy will call her a little bit later?
2. I still cannot comprehend this essay after looking up in the dictionary.

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