英文解一句rest of the world

2009-07-20 7:11 pm
什麼是rest of the world??
why is chinese new year at a different time to new year in the rest of the world

回答 (4)

2009-07-20 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
rest of the world=世界上的其他地方
參考: me
2009-07-20 10:44 pm
the rest = 其他的 (人/物)

in THE REST of the world = THE REST of the places(countries, cities,etc) in the world

2009-07-20 15:02:50 補充:
Why is Chinese New Year CELEBRATED at different times all over the world?

"to new year" should be taken away. This part makes the question look bizarre!

2009-07-20 15:03:01 補充:
Why do people celebrate Chinese New Year here at a different time unlike those who live in the rest of the world?
<------This is close to what you wrote.

2009-07-20 15:06:59 補充:
Why is the time we celebrate Chinese New Year here different from

the time other people celebrate it in the rest of the world?
2009-07-20 8:18 pm
Why is Chinese New Year at a different time to new year in the rest of the world? = 為什麼中國農曆新年的時間與世界上其他地方的新年不同?

2009-07-20 7:40 pm
你好,是的,正如 hinlinghung 所说的一样,the rest of the world 可解作“世界其他的地方或地区”咯。
希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-07-20 15:14:56 補充:
hahaha, long time no see, whatiswhat24!

Really thanks a lot, we can learn the correct sentence... : )

2009-07-20 15:15:48 補充:
ooo...... it should be "sentences"... sorry.... hahaha...

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