my girlfriend is married. she has been seperated for two years. we cant find her husband....can we marry. thx?

2009-07-19 1:22 pm
can we marry in another country with out it being bigamy here? say southern ireland ? thank you

回答 (27)

2009-07-20 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nope, She has to file for divorce where she lives. It has to be processed.

2009-07-19 1:39 pm
1) A judge can grant a divorce once steps to serve and locate have been exhausted! Just because the husband cannot be located, does not mean she cannot get a divorce!!

2) Silly rabbit....NO! You can't go get married in another country!

I would suggest doing things the correct way!! In the real and correct world....people don't try to marry an already married woman!!
2009-07-19 1:51 pm
If you do and the GOVERNMENT finds out then your marriage will be NULL and VOID... In this Country you have to be legally DIVORCED to be able to wed again. Put an ad int he News paper for I think it is a month and if still no answer from him then I think there is some legal paperwork that will EXCLUDE him from the Marriage decree
talk to a lawyer though first
2009-07-19 1:37 pm
What kind of decision making is this? Sounds like there is more than one runaway in this group. Running away always catches up in one form or the other. Deal with this now. Go to the court house where your girlfriend got married or city hall, municipal building etc. Go to the vital records section or to the civil records section where marriage licenses are issued and/or divorces granted. Talk to the clerk about the situation and get their direct advice on what to do about dissolving the marriage. You should go with your girlfriend, to know the real deal. Perhaps she is claiming benefits, unemployment, insurance etc because she is married - that you don't know about. You should clear the table now and realize what you are getting yourself into. This is serious - the last thing you want is to have a first husband showing up at the door ready to beat you up, etc. I doubt that any court considers a second spouses opinion over the first spouse. You will lose everytime if you dont do it right. If you have kids you will have betrayed them of living a safe and honest life. Even in countries where bigamy is legal. The first spouse, first wife, first husband is almost always respected more than the second...and in cases of bigamy it is about the man having more than one wife, not the wife having two husbands. Are you sure you're okay?
2009-07-22 8:11 pm
Disregard the hiring of a private investigator to find her husband. This is a waste of money. You can get a divorce without him and it will be cheaper. Without her being divorced, it will be a bigamy as marriage and divorce is like a world valid passport: they are accepted everywhere.
2009-07-22 8:00 pm
No you can't. Talk to an attorney. I know she can file for divorce and if his whereabouts are unknown, then she can run an ad for so many weeks in so many newspapers and if he doesn't reply then the judge can grant a divorce. This is how my sister had to do it. Good luck and don't get married yet! She will end up in jail.
2009-07-22 1:50 am
If she is still married its bigamy anywhere. Get a lawyer. You run an ad in a paper where he was last known to live, and if he does not answer in a certain amount of time, the divorce is granted... or get a divorce kit and do it yourself through a court system same thing. Then after her divorce.. she will not be married. Good luck.
2009-07-21 8:07 pm
She first needs to make sure he is still living and if he is, divorce him. Don't get married until all the ties are complete from her first marriage because it could come back to haunt you. Good Luck!!!
2009-07-20 1:02 am
She needs to contact a lawyer and file for divorce, they can advertise in the paper that she is doing this and that she is not responsible for any of his debts. It will take a few months, but the judge will grant the divorce because the man is no where to be found and deserted her. If you did marry it doesn't matter where and she is not divorced then she would be a bigamist.
2009-07-19 4:02 pm
You can go anywhere in the world and get married but here in the U.S. it will still be illegal. If she was living as married here in the U.S. then she HAS to have a decree of divorce before she can LEGALLY be married or live as married with anyone else here in the U.S. A separation is NOT a decree of divorce. She has to get a lawyer the lawyer will probably have an investigator try to find her husband, if that fails then she will have to post in local newspapers in and around his last known address that she is filing for divorce and that he has a certain amount of days to contact her lawyer. If they don't hear from him within the time frame then divorce proceedings will commence and she will eventually be granted a default divorce. If she goes out of country and marries while she is still only separated if she were to return to the U.S. She would be arrested and sent to prison.
2009-07-19 1:36 pm
wow what luck! good for you. Well find out the law for abandonment. Then get married. Good luck. I think it is something like 6 months if the person doesn't show up then you can say you were abandoned. I wish you all the good fortune.

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