Any place introduce in Kushiro

2009-07-20 2:59 am
Any place introduce in Kushiro for stay and for play and for having good food in Oct?

回答 (2)

2009-07-21 8:26 am
what type of hotel do you want? How about the budget? I could help you to search about it. I could help you for booking the hotel if you needed. Please email me if you want

[email protected]
2009-07-20 12:06 pm
In Kushiro Town (釧路市)
1. Washo Market (和商海鮮市場) - sea food and sea product。
2. Sea Food BBQ by the river bank (釧路川岸邊海鮮燒烤) joyful and wonderful。
suburb (周邊地區)
1. Lake Akan 阿寒湖温泉。
2. Akan Tancho no Sato 阿寒丹頂鶴之鄉。
3. Akkshi Town 厚岸町- 蠔鄉 - Very good in October, harvest time, yummy, yummy !!

2009-07-20 08:36:43 補充:
Recommendation : Akan Yukunosato Tsuruga (Main Wing) 阿寒遊久の里鶴雅(本館)。

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