RCA Connector Soldering

2009-07-19 10:58 pm
Someone told me that only one end of the shield of a double cores interconnecting cable for a CD player needed to be soldered to either of the two RCA connectors. The other end should be left un-soldered. (a) Is it right? (b) The soldered shield end should then be plugged onto the CD player or the amplifier? (c) What would be the result if the cable is plugged in the opposite direction? (d) What would be the result if both ends of the shield are soldered or un-soldered? Would anyone kind enough to enlighten my puzzles? Thank you very much.

Dear keith_shum Your advice is too advanced for me to understand. I simply want to know the outer (common) shield of the two cores should be soldered at either end or both ends? If either end, the soldered end should be plugged to CD player or amplifier? Thank you.


Would anyone kind enough to let me have an easy to understand answer on my supplementary (補充) questions above? Thank you very much.

回答 (1)

2009-07-25 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you ask for balanced to unbalanced cabling problem?
If you want to connect the devices are unbalanced( i.e. both side is RCA or mono phone jack). It is very easy, 'signal to signal' and 'sheild to sheild'.
If you want to connect the devices one side is balanced, another one is unbalanced.
Please see the following link:
I thank it is very useful for you.
In short, you can see the following:
Shielded 2-Conductor Connectivity
Figure 5 shows recommended wiring for all combinations of balanced and unbalanced I/O interconnections when 2-conductor shielded cable is used. Figure 5 also includes the two most common manufacturer shield-grounding schemes; signal-grounding the shield and chassis-grounding the shield. Identifying these schemes for every unit in a system is essential to debug system hum and buzz.
Figure 5 is arranged such that the top and left most figure (5a) is the theoretical "best" way to connect equipment with optimal results. The "best" way being, everything completely balanced with all shields (pin 1s) connected to chassis ground at the point of entry. As one moves down or to the right, degradation in performance is expected. Whether a system operates acceptably or obeys these theoretical predictions is too system-specific to predict accurately. However, one must start somewhere.
The quality and configuration of the input and output circuits are omitted from Figure 5 and the ensuing discussion, to focus on cable wiring and the internal wiring of the units. The I/O circuitry is assumed ideal.


Figure 5. Interconnectivity using shielded 2-conductor cable only. Asterisks denote usability with off-the-shelf cable.

2009-07-28 18:33:03 補充:
For RCA, i.e unbalanced, so sheild must be soldering at both side.

2009-07-30 00:45:02 補充:
For RCA config.
the outer shield (common) must be soldered at both side.

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