
2009-07-19 8:33 pm
報了團8月中到韓國首爾旅行, 想請教如下問題, 謝謝:

1. 兌換韓國錢在香港銀行兌, 還是在韓國機場兌比較著數? 知不知1元港幣兌多少韓國錢?

2. 跟團除了指定行程, 會不會有另外加的自費行程, 知不知是什麼行程? 價錢大約港幣多少?

3. 8月韓國天氣怎樣? 是否雨季?

4. 行程中只去夢幻樂園, 沒有去樂天世界, 是否去不到樂天超市買手信?

回答 (3)

2009-07-29 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Correction of the above answer...

The exchange rate is HKD 1= KWR 150-155 (I just back from Korea on 21/7)

1.Incheon Internatiol Airport exchange is HKD 1 = KRW155.
I saw in Myeong Dong money exchange rate is KWR157.
um....If u are not change a very big amount, actually there is no big differences.

2.Depends on there is any free time during the tour. The optional charges should be about the theme park ticket and some special meal.

3.Weather is similar to HKG. It's rain season.

4.Beside Lottle World. Another Lottle Mart at Seoul Station. BTW,u are join tour. The tour will bring you to a souvenir shop on the way to aiport on the last day. U can buy seaweed, kimchi and even "Sin Ramen"...very convenience...

Hope u enjoy this Korea trip...^.^
2009-07-28 10:33 pm
現在10000韓won大約對港幣$150-$160,到當地機場換是可以的 ,.當然有自費活動,但一般情況要視乎你參加什麼團重而包括什麼樂園套票,約港幣$100-$300不等,而餐數亦要自費upgrade.........等等.至於樂天世界超市約收晚上十時,如果你要去就要早一點.

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