有關 simple Algebra

2009-07-19 7:43 pm
express the following in algebraic froms .

1.Subtract 2 from the product of x and 3 then add to it the square of x.

2.1 plus the square of m is not equal to zero.

3.When 9 is divided by the sum of a and b,the quotient is less than c.

4.The square of the difference between a and b.

回答 (2)

2009-07-19 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 3x - 2 + x2
2. 1 + m2 ≠ 0
3. 9 / (a + b) < c
4. (a - b)2
2009-07-19 8:39 pm
1 + m2 < 0 ^ 1 + m2 > 0,
by trichotomy

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