relative clause 一問

2009-07-19 4:33 am
我想問 咁用 呢句岩唔岩呢

peter who is disabled wrote a letter to mr.chan

錯既話請指出邊度錯- -唔該

回答 (2)

2009-07-19 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are two mistakes in the sentence.

It should be: Peter who is disabled wrote a letter to Mr.Chan.

2009-07-21 16:01:31 補充:
If you add a comma after the subject, it means the subject is designated whereas is not.
2009-07-19 9:19 pm
It should be:

Peter, who is disabled, wrote a letter to Mr. Chan.
參考: me

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