美國大學一問ivy league學校 vs 香港讀law,急

2009-07-19 1:01 am
想問下如果ivy league大學是但一間收左我,而香港d大學法律系又收左我,應該簡邊個?
我family比得到30m 一個year
ivy league大學畢業後係香港出路好唔好?人工大約會幾多?

回答 (2)

2009-07-19 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will say you have a better chance in Law in Hong Kong.

Ivy League requires straight A in HKCEE and HKALE. No exception.

To them, 20 point is nothing.

2009-07-24 12:05 am
No question about it, IVY League would be your choice. All famous and well known universities, among the 8; Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U Penn and Cornell are more famous.

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