i'll be missing u ?????

2009-07-18 11:17 pm
究竟 i'll be missing u 同 i'll miss u 有咩分別??


回答 (8)

2009-07-19 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
「I'll miss you.」 這句的時態是簡單將來式 (simple future tense),而「I'll be missing you.」卻是用了將來進行式(future continuous tense)。兩句用不同的時態去寫出,所表的信息在層次上亦有所分別。

「I'll miss you.」 是向對方表逹在兩人分別後,您將會掛念對方,但在這句子沒有顯示這種掛念之情會否會延續下去,亦未有指示兩人分別後是否會再相見,只是簡單地表逹「掛念」的感覺。

「I'll be missing you.」 雖然同樣講「掛念」之情,但在感情的表逹上是比較深層的,它特別強調了這種「掛念」的感覺是有延續性的,這就是:「在二人再相見之前,掛念之情是不會停止的。」,由此可看到 「I'll be missing you.」這句還隱喻著您很喝望日後再和對方相見。

2016-12-11 9:58 pm
I Will Be Missing U
2009-07-21 6:34 am
2009-07-19 7:21 am


2009-07-19 12:29 am
These two sentences mean the same and both are correct in grammar except the writing format.
I'll be missing you = emphasis more than I'll miss you.
2009-07-18 11:55 pm
I shall be having dinner when you come back
In a few minutes the meeting will be going on.

I'll be missing you(將來,我會繼續掛住你)
I'll miss you(我會掛住你)


2009-07-18 11:55 pm
In fact,both I will be missing you and I will miss you are correct!
Have you heard of a lovely song called I will be loving you?
They use the same tense.

Let us start with I will be missing you first.
I will be missing you. = Future continous(progressive) tense
My teacher has told me before, if someone is so sure of something,then he can use this tense.

For example, I will be having dinner with my uncle at 8 P.M this evening.
In this sentence, we use I will be having dinner instead of I will have dinner because everything has been confirmed.

Like all future tenses, the Future Continuous cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Instead of Future Continuous, Present Continuous is used.

For Examples:

It is incorrect to say While I am going to be finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner.
Actually, we should say While I am finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner.

For more details, please visit http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/futurecontinuous.html

About I will miss you, it belongs to simple future tense. It is a tense which doesn't show confirmation!

For example:
I will move to China.
I will help you.
I will call her.

If we change these three sentences to the future continous(progressive) tense, things will turn out to be the opposite.

To conclude, we use I will miss you when you are still not very sure. If you are so sure of it , you can say I will be missing you.
參考: With the help of my teacher
2009-07-18 11:23 pm
i'll be missing u文法錯咗,而i'll miss u文法先至正確!
參考: me

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