
2009-07-18 2:38 am
"media" 是一個 plural noun,但為何跟在後面的動詞會加 s?

e.g. The media always takes a great interest in the Royal family. 傳播媒介一直對王室十分感興趣。

什麼時候需要加 s,什麼時候不可加 s?加 s 與不加 s 會否使句子的意思改變?


還有,"mass media"也是plural noun,會否出現上述情況?在這方面的用法會否跟"media"有分別呢?


to alaslee80: 上述例句出自牛津進階詞典,詞典內有說明"media"一詞縱使是plural noun,但亦可與單數動詞連用,詞義是"傳媒"。所以,你的解釋不是我想要的。

回答 (2)

2009-07-18 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
According to dictionary.com, some of my dictionaries and what I know,

–noun 1. a pl. of medium.
2. (usually used with a plural verb) the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely: """The media are(plural verb) covering the speech tonight. """

Media/mediums is the plural of "medium".

什麼時候需要加 s,什麼時候不可加 s?加 s 與不加 s 會否使句子的意思改變?
You should NOT add an "S" to "media" if you want to talk about
the media傳播媒介.************


"media" means something else.<---------------------------

me⋅di⋅a2  /ˈmidiə/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mee-dee-uh] Show IPA
–noun, plural -di⋅ae  /-diˌi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [-dee-ee] Show IPA .

1. Greek Grammar. a voiced plosive, as β, δ, γ.
2. Anatomy. the middle layer of an artery or lymphatic vessel.
3. Entomology. a longitudinal vein in the middle portion of the wing of an insect.

media( singular) mediae( plural)

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/media for reference

還有,"mass media"也是plural noun,會否出現上述情況?在這方面的用法會否跟"media"有分別呢?

The mass media = 大眾傳播媒體 in Chinese

You have use the definite article "THE".


The mass media ARE the major sources of information.

2009-07-18 15:55:41 補充:
You have TO use the definite article "THE".

2009-07-21 13:41:15 補充:
To rubbishbin,

2. (usually used with a plural verb) the means of communication,

What does"usually" mean?

2009-07-21 13:45:48 補充:
As I know, many English writers or native English speakers tend to use

"the media" with a plural verb.

In some dictionaries, it says it can be used with either a singular verb or a plural one tho.

2009-07-21 13:59:26 補充:
It is your choice now!

2009-07-21 14:00:43 補充:
By the way, I cannot read much Chinese.

Do type in English for me next time. Thanks a lot!

2009-07-22 17:57:48 補充:
2. (USUALLY<====== used with a plural verb) the means of communication,

The media takes/taken............<------Correct..........

2009-07-22 17:58:02 補充:

2009-07-22 18:01:44 補充:
As for 傳播媒介= the media, we usually use a plural verb.
2009-07-21 9:41 pm
發問者 rubbishbin01 ,

please read the dictionary carefully.
It mentioned 'the media(plural)'=傳播媒介 not media=傳媒。

alaslee80 's answer is correct!

See the explanation of medium please.
medium : noun (C) 1.(pl usually 複數通常作media)

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