39 weeks pregnant>> Pubic Bone Pain?

2009-07-16 6:03 pm
Yesterday after swimming for a while I started getting this sharp pain, Im pretty sure that it is my pubic bone the pain is the worst when im standing. And it never goes away. Has this happened to anyone else and because im so far along maybe does this mean that I will be going into labor soon? I also started getting this mucus stuff in my under wear around the same time, it does it about once a hour or so, there is no blood in it, could it be my mucus plug. Everyone told me that it would have blood in it????

回答 (5)

2009-07-16 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the pain can be due to the baby resting low on your pelvis area (baby dropped further down in your pelvis, getting ready for birth). This and the mucus discharge don't necessarily mean you'll be going into labor soon. I started having pelvic area pain and mucus discharge at 38 wks, I am now 41 wks and my doctor just confirmed that my cervix hasn't thinned or dilated yet. If you're concerned, go get checked by your doctor.
2009-07-17 1:09 am
It does NOT mean that it is time, ignore those people. Yeah, the mucus will have blood on it, and the reason your pubic bone hurts is because your vag. area is spreading and getting limber for when your baby comes out. I know, I have had one baby, and I am on my second pregnancy, and I am 21 weeks along and my pubic bone started hurting and is going to hurt for the next 19 weeks.
2009-07-17 1:15 am
its probably your mucus plug. the mucus plug is to prevent germs from entering vagina if your mucus plug is coming out it doesnt mean you are in labor alot of women who lose the plug can still be pregnant for a couple of more weeks. but since you are 39 weeks i suggest you call doctor.
2009-07-17 1:06 am
It doesn't always have blood in it. The pain is because the baby is so low that all the pressure is resting on your pubic bone. Walk as much as you can, and you should be going into labor in no time. Good luck and congrats!
2009-07-17 1:06 am
Go to the doctor ASAP it's time

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