Civil Engineers in China?

2009-07-16 5:16 pm
Hello everyone! I just want to know what civil engineers do in China.. I heard that they do very dangerous jobs... Are they like doctors or lawyers but don't get paid enough? How are they viewed in society? I'm confused sorry.. thank you all in advance just curious

回答 (4)

2009-07-17 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
things are much different than before now. as i see it, civil engineer is a very good career here in china now, esp when you have a master's degree. then you can apply to work in a research center. it is much easier than working in the open field. of course, field experience is also vital to your later designing. my uncle is a very experienced civil engineer. he is well-paid, and he is working about 8 hours a day. nowadays, china is undergoing many construction everywhere, such as railways, bridages and highways. thus there are great opportunities for civil engineers.
2009-07-17 1:59 am
My dad used to be a civil engineer working in China (back in the 80s). There are many opportunities in China as many of the cities are developing and new structures are being built all the time. They do get paid quite decent and the working conditions are pretty safe. The only thing that my dad (and mom) didn't like was all the socializing he had to do with bosses, etc. China is a place where socializing/drinking/eating with bosses is very popular as well as tight deadlines and overtime, people don't just get off work at 5 and go straight home.
2009-07-17 12:21 am
They're very well paid and well respected in the society. Safety rules have to be followed when working on the sites.
2009-07-17 6:13 am
they are constructing the buildings...
not by their own hands of course...
they makew drafts, calculations, watch the builders...
kinda managers but for houses...
sometimes roads, bridges etc...

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