1052 divide by 20% =?

2009-07-16 3:24 pm

回答 (8)

2009-07-16 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
20% equals 0.20. So therefore, the equation would be equal to 1052 divided by 0.02

2009-07-16 3:48 pm
ok... 20% is the same as 20/100

so we want 1052 divided by 20/100

when dividing fractions we reciprocate (flip) the second fraction and multiply

1052/1 * 100/20 = 105200/20 = 10520/2 = 5260
2009-07-16 3:39 pm
參考: calculator
2009-07-16 3:33 pm
1052 ÷ 20%
= 1052 ÷ 20/100
= 1052 x 100/20
= (1052 x 100)/20
= 105200/20
= 5260
2009-07-16 3:31 pm
1052 divide by 20%
= 1052/(1/5) as 20% = 1/5
= 5260

I hope this helps
2009-07-16 3:28 pm
2009-07-16 3:27 pm
1052/0.2 = 5260
2009-07-16 3:27 pm
1052/20% or 1052/.2

1052/.2 = 5260
參考: calculator

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