Pure maths inequality

2009-07-16 10:50 pm
if abc=1
prove 1/[a^3(b+c)]+1/[b^3(a+c)]+1/[c^3(a+b)]>=3/2

Applying A.M. >= G.M. again: 1/a5/2 + 1/b5/2 + 1/c5/2 <= 3(a5/2b5/2c5/2)1/3 should be >= ? also,the question is >=3/2, not <=3/2


Applying A.M. >= G.M. again: 1/a5/2 + 1/b5/2 + 1/c5/2 <= 3(a5/2b5/2c5/2)1/3 ? should be >= ? right? also, the question is >=3/2, not <=3/2 can you help me to solve it?

回答 (4)

2009-07-17 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The question is strange. If we only use the AM>=GM inequality, the result would be
So consider [(b+c)(a+c)(a+b)]}^(1/3)
So 1/[a^3(b+c)]+1/[b^3(a+c)]+1/[c^3(a+b)]
And that's all since (a+b+c)/3 is larger than 1 not smaller than 1
The correct approach is
Let S=1/[a^3(b+c)]+1/[b^3(a+c)]+1/[c^3(a+b)]
Define x=1/a,y=1/b,z=1/c and T=x+y+z
Then 1/[a^3(b+c)]=x^3/[(1/y)+(1/z)]=x^2/(T-x)=(T^2-T^2-x^2)/(T-x)
Similar hor the other two
So S=T^2[1/(T-x)+1/(T-y)+1/(T-z)]-4T
Using AM-GM-HM inequality
>=3/2 (since xyz=1)
Other method
Since 1/[a^3(b+c)]=x^2/(y+z)
By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
That is S>=(x+y+z)/2
2009-07-17 12:15 am
Try to directly applying AM >= GM:
= 3/[(b+c)(a+c)(a+b)]^(1/3)
Then try to prove 1/[(b+c)(a+c)(a+b)]^(1/3) >= 1/2 or alternatively, (b+c)(a+c)(a+b)<= 8
2009-07-16 11:52 pm
yea, so can you help me to solve it?

2009-07-16 16:19:34 補充:
i have done that before.
however, (a+b)(b+c)(a+c) is always >=8abc
it can be done by directly using am>gm

in this question, (a+b)(b+c)(a+c)>=8abc=8
2009-07-16 11:42 pm
Applying A.M. >= G.M. again:
1/a5/2 + 1/b5/2 + 1/c5/2 <= 3(a5/2b5/2c5/2)1/3
The inequality sign is wrong.

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