急急急急問英文, 20分架

2009-07-16 8:56 pm
Not yet received the msg fm xx/xx this PO had been delivered to fty until this morning.

我想話: 今日先收到消息話d貨送到去xx. 之前從未收到任何消息 fm a or b.


回答 (6)

2009-07-16 9:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I haven't received any information from XXX ( up to now).
I was notified that the PO had already been delivered to XXX this morning.
2009-07-17 1:57 pm


2009-07-17 1:24 am
我想話: 今日先收到消息話d貨送到去xx. 之前從未收到任何消息 fm a or b

I had not been informed until today that this PO had been delivered to XX. Before that, I had never received any message from a or b.
2009-07-16 11:58 pm
你好,我替你加了一个代名词 (pronoun) — “I”的和把两个句子合起来讲。还有,你想讲货品还是订购单呢?
I have not received any information from A or B until this morning I have been notified that the goods have been delivered to XX.
希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-07-16 11:08 pm
We have just recieved the instruction where to deliver from AORB today.
2009-07-16 10:57 pm
We never received any information from a or b until this morning we have learnt that the goods have been delivered to xx.

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