
2009-07-16 7:51 am
B. Eng. (Hons), M.Sc., MIET, MIEEE


回答 (1)

2009-07-23 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
B.Eng.(Hons) 是指 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours 的簡寫~
中文名叫 " (榮譽)工學士"

例如: 機械工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
英文全寫 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Mechanical Engineering

M.Sc. 是指 Master of Science
中文名叫 "理學碩士"
例如: 機械工程學理學碩士
英文全寫: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

MIET 是指 Member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology 中文名叫 "工程及科技學會會員"


The Institution of Engineering and Technology was formed by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) and now has more than 150,000 members worldwide. It is the largest professional engineering society in Europe and the second largest in the world. We aim to serve a global community engaged in engineering and technology, providing a knowledge network accessible whenever or wherever you choose. The history of the Institution can be traced back to 1871.

MIEEE 是指 the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA

有(Hons)是好過沒(Hons), 沒(Hons)的只叫"普通學位"而不是"榮譽學位"!

榮譽學位的最後一年,要做Final Year Project (又或者叫畢業論文);

而普通學位(即沒(Hons)的),便無需做Final Year Project 及讀少一至兩三科!

Honours degree 程度是高過沒 (Hons), 而大部份 Master Degree 都需要申請人持有Honours degree~!!
參考: I am BEng(Hons) graduates and MIET

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