
2009-07-16 3:26 am
Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. He is the best ever.

ever 此字是甚麼 part of speech?ever 這字查字典有很多解釋,怎知道是用邊個解釋呢?謝謝。

回答 (6)

2009-07-16 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
"ever" = adverb

He is the best ever. = He is the best forever.

No one has been as successful as this singer.

2009-07-15 19:37:05 補充:
To 001, " ever" is always an adverb. We can NEVER use it as an adjective!

2009-07-15 19:39:09 補充:
For some Americans, it is an adjective.

–adjective 5. South Midland and Southern U.S. every: She rises early ever morning.

2009-07-15 19:39:30 補充:
- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ever

2009-07-15 19:39:47 補充:
This usage is rare!

2009-07-15 19:43:31 補充:
One more thing!

We normally talk about people who died with past tense.

Bruce lee WAS an awesome martial artist.<-----------WAS

Maybe some fans of his still think MJ is alive. That's why they stick to the present tense just to show him some respect.

2009-07-15 19:46:03 補充:

You are most welcome.

Of course you will have to study more English sentences.

Read more and think logically, pal.
2009-07-16 8:00 pm


2009-07-16 6:47 am
In this case, ever is an adverb, adding quality to the adjective 'the best'.

Because 'ever' here is following the superlative 'the best', its meaning is 'very'.

And so, you can rewrite the sentence into:
"Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. He is the very best."

Ever emphasizes 'the best' to show the strong feeling of the speaker.
2009-07-16 4:59 am


如果係呢句句子當中,ever嘅意思係 在任何時候 嘅意思.
參考: 自己
2009-07-16 4:57 am
2009-07-16 3:34 am

e.g.I love my cat ever 我永遠愛戴我的貓貓
參考: 我現在讀大學

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