
2009-07-15 10:00 pm
i want to use more different english words to describe a book , but i only know : interesting , sweet etc .

so can you all help me to think of other?

please , i need to do two book reports ...... thank you

回答 (3)

2009-07-15 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
fascinating: 迷人, attractive

romantic: 浪漫

unique: 獨特

creative: 有創意

imaginative: 有創意

wonderful: 精彩, 奇妙

attractive: 吸引

charming: 迷人

enjoyable: 使人快樂

entertaining: 有趣, 使人得到娛樂

humorous: 幽默詼諧

educational: 有教育性

amusing: 有趣, 引人發笑
2009-07-16 8:17 pm


2009-07-16 12:14 pm
1. fabulous.
2. entertaining.
3. enjoyable.
4. well-organized contents.
5. Surprising outcome.
6. legendary.
7. mythical.
8. incredible.
9. prodigious.
10. stupendous.
11. Clever plot.
12. Story with a lot of twists.
13. The story is a page-turner.
14. The story keeps me at the edge of my seat.
15. awesome.
16. marvelous.
17. extraordinary.
18. remarkable.

2009-07-16 04:16:06 補充:
19. poignant.

20. intense.

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