有玩facebook - happy farm 請入

2009-07-15 6:16 pm
我想問如何買粉紅色的玫瑰花, 或白色的dasiy?

回答 (4)

2009-07-15 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Step 1: Go to your farm
Step 2: Go to flowers
Step 3: Click on the flowers (there are some small one, choose the colour you like)
Step 4: Go to the store and buy the flowers
參考: me
2009-07-19 9:36 pm
~先禁入去''The Happy Store''
~再入去''flowers''果度 *注意~dasiy 要魁力夠2級先買到...*
至於佢係咩顏色, 冇人知道...佢5係次次都一樣顏色ga!
2009-07-16 4:24 am
You can buy the happy farm supper meney and 買粉紅色的玫瑰花, 或白色的dasiy
2009-07-15 8:29 pm
play facebook happyfarm!!

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