Solve the inequality -6/9 < -4/9x?

2009-07-14 10:16 am

回答 (10)

2009-07-14 10:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
-6/9 < -4/9 x
Multiplying both sides by -1,
6/9 > 4/9 x (multiplying by a negative number reverses the inequality)
Multiplying both sides by 9
6 > 4x
Dividing both sides by 4,
6/4 > x
Or 3/2 > x
Or x < 3/2
Ans: x < 3/2
2009-07-14 5:21 pm
2009-07-14 5:20 pm
-6/9 < -4/9x
-6 < -4x
6 > 4x
3/2 > x
2009-07-14 5:19 pm
short answer - no :)
2009-07-14 5:20 pm

sorry publicly educated
參考: Jesus and Ron Paul
2009-07-14 7:12 pm
-6/9 < -4/9(x)
-4/9(x) > -6/9
x < (-6/9)/(-4/9)
x < (-6/9)(-9/4)
x < (6)(1/4)
x < 6/4
x < 3/2 (1.5)
2009-07-14 5:30 pm
the solution is as follows:-

-6/9 < -4/9 x
we can multiply both sides by 9 so,
(9) (-6/9) < (9)(-4/9)x
or -6 < -4 X
divide both sides by 4 so
-6/4 < -x

now when can multi ply by -1 both sides but , when we multiply by any -ve Term the inequality sign is reversed

so if we multiply by -1 we get
(-1)(-6/4) > (-1)(-x)
or 6/4 > x

this is the answer
2009-07-14 5:26 pm
-6/9 < -4/9x
6/9 >= 4/9x
assuming x>0
Multiply both sides by 9x
x>= 4/6=2/3
2009-07-14 5:21 pm
x must be less than 3/2.
2009-07-14 5:20 pm
X>2/3 if it is -6/4<-4/ 9x

(if x is the variable of 9.. :)

If not, the above answers are coorect... :)

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