麻煩大家幫我譯一譯英文 >_

2009-07-15 2:25 am
因為我英文疑問句方面都唔係太好, 所以麻煩大家幫我譯一譯D問題 =] 內容如下:

Q1.) 國際學生可唔可以用分期付款交學費?
Q2.) 學生宿舍既租金係用咩方法交? (e.g. 一個月交一次? / 一星期交一次? 半年交一次? etc.)
Q3.) 學生宿舍入面有冇得上網?
Q4.) 學生宿舍包唔包枕頭同被單?
Q5.) 學生使唔使交水電煤等費用?

"I am so interested in xxxxxx (school name), so I want to ask a few questions about the course and student residence."
唔知點解我覺得用個"so" 好似好冇禮貌咁 哈哈

麻煩晒大家喇, 謝 =]

回答 (5)

2009-07-15 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Can international students pay their tuitions by instalments?
2. How are dormitory rents paid, monthly, weekly or semi-annually?
3. Is there access to the internet in the dormitory?
4. Are pillows and sheets provided in the dormitory?
5. Are students required to pay utility fees?

I am very much interested in xxxxx. I would like to ask a few questions about courses and the student residence.

(Note: Using the word SO is not impolite in the first sentence, but using VERY MUCH is more suitable. You do not need to use SO to start the second sentence. This is more a Chinese way of expression to start a statement with 所以........... This sounds odd in English.
參考: Self
2009-07-15 8:52 pm


2009-07-15 3:17 am
Q1.) 國際學生可唔可以用分期付款交學費?
Q2.) 學生宿舍既租金係用咩方法交? (e.g. 一個月交一次? / 一星期交一次? 半年交一次? etc.)
Q3.) 學生宿舍入面有冇得上網?
Q4.) 學生宿舍包唔包枕頭同被單?
Q5.) 學生使唔使交水電煤等費用?

Q1.) Can international student tuition installment plan?
Q2.) University students rent houses both methods used to pay Cashmere? (Eg once a month to pay? / Week delivery time? To pay a half a year? Etc.)
Q3.) Student hostels have to face there is no Internet?
Q4.) Student hostels Is pillows with linen?
Q5.)唔使students so that the cost of delivery, such as water electricity?
2009-07-15 3:00 am
1. Can I, a foreign student, pay the school fee by installment payment?
2. How to pay the hostel fee, by what method? Should I pay every month, half a year, or annually?
3. Is there any internet in the hostel?
4. Does the hostel provide bed sheet and pillow?
5. Should the student pay the water, electricity and gas bills?

For the sentence, you may write:
I am quite interested in your esteem school, xxxxx(school name), may I ask some questions about the course and residence?
2009-07-15 2:40 am
上面果幾條Question我就唔係好知啦!不過你最尾果句冇寫錯,如果你覺得用好冇禮貌,你可以+個that係反面,就好似咁>>>I am so interested in xxxxxx (school name), so that I want to ask a few questions about the course and student residence.
參考: 自己

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