英文collective noun

2009-07-14 10:44 pm
document, shippment, arrangement等字可否視作collective noun?

如當某樣countable物件視作一組,可否作為collective noun咁用 ?

回答 (2)

2009-07-14 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先要搞清楚 collective noun 既定義…
collective noun
Eng : noun that is singular in form but can refer to a number of people or things and agree with plural verb.
中 : 集合名詞( 形式上為單數而意為複數的名詞,要求與複數動詞一致
例子 : flock(group of sheep, goats or birds of the same kind.)
committee (group of people appointed[usually by a larger group) to deal with a particular matter)
In linguistics, a collective noun is a word used to define a group of objects, where "objects" can be people, animals, emotions, inanimate things, concepts, or other things. For example, in the phrase "a pride of lions," pride is a collective noun.
Most collective nouns encountered in everyday speech, such as "group," are mundane and are not specific to one kind of constituent object. For example, the terms "group of people," "group of dogs," and "group of ideas" are all correct uses.
一組 = a group
一群羊 = a flock of sheep
一群獅子 = a pride of lions
* Collective nouns should not be confused with mass nouns, or with the collective grammatical number.
所以 document, arrangerment 並不能當作 collective noun 用的。
( shippment 是什麼 ? 串錯字嗎 ?)
絕對不能將 countable 既物件視為一組黎當 collective noun 黎用。
希望可以幫到你 !
參考: Dictionary + Wikipedia
2009-07-15 8:55 pm



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