english's novel

2009-07-14 9:22 pm
i want to know what is A Night To Remember by Walter Lord about?

In Chinese thank you


i said in CHINESE!!!

回答 (2)

2009-07-14 10:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Walter Lord's A Night To Remember
The novel A Night To Remember by Walter Lord is about the well-known disaster that claimed the lives of over 1,500 people. The book was written in 1955, but the famous collision occurred on April 14, 1912 at 11:40 P.M. This story takes place on the ship and on its many decks, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. The Novel has not one main character. This is a story about lower class passengers that were not only victims of a disastrous sea strategy, but were also victims of commercialism, arrogance and indifference.
The answer to all the riddles of the titanic will never be known for certain. The best that can be done is to weight up all the evidence carefully and give an honest opinion. Some may disagree and they might be right. It is a rash man indeed who will set himself up as a final arbiter on what took place that fateful night, that incredible night when the Titanic went down.
Perhaps the protagonist of this story was not a character but was in fact the Titanic. Everyone was fascinated with the technical achievement of the Titanic but had this achievement and the arrogance that went with it led man to challenge the immutable laws of nature? After all didn't Bruce Ismay state "God himself could not sink this ship". But none the less they were wrong, it was sinkable and all it took was a frozen piece of water. It was a great novel, I enjoyed his exquisite narrative style. Although, I would have enjoyed the novel more if it were a little bit longer and if he had focused more on the characters, rather then just briefly describing them.
2009-07-15 8:58 pm



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