Find the value of x log x 289/25 = 2?

2009-07-14 5:53 am

回答 (5)

2009-07-14 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
I assume you mean log (base-x) 289/25 = 2

Note that x² = 289/25
x = 17/5 = 3.4
2009-07-14 8:41 am
log_x(289/25) = 2
289/25 = x^2
x = ±√(289/25)
x = ±√[(17^2)/(5^2)]
x = ±17/5 (±3.4)

BTW, x cannot be negative. Therefore, x only equals positive 17/5 (3.4).
2009-07-14 6:09 am
quick question, is it xlog(x(289/25)) or is the x in front just finishing the instructions w/o any punctuation? either way i will show you both ways.

1. xlog(289x/25) = 2
Divide both sides by x (since the log of 0 is undefined we can safely do this without worrying whether or not the x is equal to zero.

log(289x/25) = 2/x

Next, set each both sides of the equation as the exponent of 10.

10^log(289x/25) = 10^(2/x)

the 10^log cancels out and you are left with:

(289x/25) = 10^(2/x); however, in such a scenario, you are left to find the answer on a calculator as we are unable to isolate the 'x' variable without the help of a computer of some sort.

now, if it is as i -think- it should be read:

log (289x/25) = 2

set both sides of the equation as exponents of 10 to cancel out the log

(289x/25) = 10^2

10^2 = 100, then multiple the 25 out of the denominator to get

289x = 2500, divide by 289 to leave the x alone on the left side.

x = 2500/289 = 8.65051903114
2009-07-14 6:04 am
do you mean find the value of x given that log (x*289/25)=2? and by log do you mean to base 10? if so
2009-07-14 5:59 am
What does log x 289/25 mean?

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