Christians, I must ask an honest question...?

2009-07-14 2:53 am
If we atheists were to shut up about God's non-existence and just treated you with a human respect, would you quit trying to convince us that God is real and treat us with equal respect?

I'm not saying that the question shouldn't be discusses (it should) but I find it's impossible to get into a real debate without reverting to shouts, sarcasm, non-arguments, threats and so forth. Seriously, it's doing ourselves more harm than good, and we're both just traveling that much faster towards the extremes of the opposite poles. Maybe we should just follow the constitution of being respectful of one another's beliefs, and keep it a private matter. What say you?

Man, a lot of these answers are pretty indicative of what I'm talking about. One of you correctly pointed out that I suppose what I should have said what the language/tools for arguing this question are in need of change. And yes I said "discusses" the "S" and the "D" are fairly close to one another. Besides I only go after the most egregious of mis-spellers and poor grammarists(that's mine, add it to your lexicon).

回答 (40)

2009-07-14 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
How 'bout you just stop attacking Christianity?
I have yet to see and Christian force their beliefs upon ANYONE.
參考: Christian
2009-07-14 2:57 am
... and so would end participation in the R&S section of Y!A
2009-07-14 2:57 am
True Christians can't do that. Remember, we are commanded by Christ to go out and preach the Gospel to every living creature.
2009-07-14 2:57 am
Private matter?
參考: If you say, we way so? God is reality.
2009-07-14 2:56 am
Reporter troll AND an atheist.... wow. You're on a roll.

God bless you.
2009-07-14 2:57 am
All I see are atheists antagonizing Christians. Rarely do I ever see anyone trying to proselytize you.
2009-07-14 2:58 am
its our job as christians to try and lead as many people to Jesus as possible... not as much by force but by example.

God bless you bro.
2009-07-14 3:02 am
we are required by God to preach the message of salvation to all people making disciples

we should be respectful of people when doing it.
2009-07-14 2:59 am
Sounds reasonable.

But- what are you going to do next since you've just excluded yourself from ever coming into R&S again?
2009-07-14 3:01 am
"...We should also realize that, in many things, the aggressive atheists are on our side. We, the reasonable Christians who value freedom and stand up for the oppressed, should be their natural allies. They see the rabid fundamentalism that infects so much of the world with endless violence, and they deplore it. We deplore it, too. They see the poor oppressed by the rich, and they demand justice. We demand justice, too.

In many areas, our fight is not against the atheists, but against the mistaken perceptions of Christianity they promote. The evangelical atheists assume that religion must inevitably breed mindless fanaticism. Countering that image means not just answering the atheists’ arguments against God, but also correcting their false impressions of religion.

People who are most attracted to the New Atheism are likely to be people who think of themselves as good and reasonable. They genuinely care about people as human beings. When they see suffering, they want to help. If they think religion is the cause of the suffering, they turn against religion. And, after all, if they see Christians beating up Muslims, Muslims beating up Hindus, Hindus beating up Christians—well, what are they supposed to think? If they don’t know anything about our religion, then that’s what they think our religion is about.

But whose fault is it if they don’t know anything about our religion? True, they haven’t bothered to find out about it. But it’s just as true that we too often haven’t bothered to tell anyone about it.

Is the New Atheism a danger to the Church? Yes, it is. By substituting secularity with secularism—neutrality toward religion with hostility toward religion—New Atheists can make the world difficult for Christians to live in.

But the real danger is not from the fanatical atheists themselves, but from our own indifference. If we don’t make the effort to reach out to the people who are most ambitious, who are most intelligent, who care most about the shape of the world around them, then we deserve the punishment in Christ’s parable of the worthless servant (Matthew 25:14-30). What little we have should be taken away and given to someone who will make something of it.

We need to confront the New Atheism on its own turf, candidly admitting where we agree with the atheists, and explaining our differences patiently and reasonably. But beyond the argument of words, there is another, even better argument.

The Christian life has always been the most compelling argument for Christianity. Living like a Christian—loving our enemies and letting everyone see our joy in the truth—is the most convincing way of spreading the Gospel. When we face the New Atheists, we should look like Christians: not shouting, angry fanatics, but charitable, intelligent people who are willing to listen as well as to make pronouncements.

We have the power to guide what the people around us think about religion. What we say is important, but what we do is even more important. Even when right reason doesn’t prevail, living the Christian life will win the argument."
2009-07-14 2:59 am
A preacher went into his church and he was praying to God. While he was praying, he asked God, "How long is 10 million years to you?"

He replied, "1 second."

The next day the preacher asked God, "God, how much is 10 million dollars to you?"

And God replied, "A penny."

Then finally the next day the preacher asked God, "God, can I have one of your pennies?"

And God replied, "Just wait a sec."
2009-07-14 2:59 am
I adore atheists. You guys are so sexy.
2009-07-14 3:03 am
We would never quit because God loves you and we love you. So, it does not really matter whether you treat us with human respect or not.
2009-07-14 3:03 am
Actually the atheists are winning the struggle. It was said people are leaving religion in record numbers, you are convincing them their religion is a joke.
Most of the young people interviewed without the parents present said they actually did not believe in God, but their parents would be mad if they said that.
Besides as Christians we get presents for the holidays.
2009-07-14 3:02 am
My Grand Father use to say when Hell freezes over. I was not aware that I was not being respectful. But if you are willing So will I be.
2009-07-14 3:02 am
As a Christian I feel it is my job to go out and witness to others about God. Its not to convince you, its to share the news because in the end it is up to the individual to make his/her choice. But to answer your question no I will never stop spreading the news of my savior Jesus Christ.
2009-07-14 3:01 am
The only reason why Atheists are here is because they yearn for life eternal.....if not...then why are you here??
2009-07-14 3:01 am
I can not do that. My mission here is to save as many people as I can from the coming storm, but if you refuse help then there is nothing I can do alone. Maybe you'll come round...
2009-07-14 3:00 am
You should be treated with respect no matter what you are. You are my brother or sister in Christ, and I will love you the same as I love my friends. I'm sorry you don't believe in Jesus. And if there are other christian's being mean to you, then don't come on this website.
I'm sorry for the way you are being treated. I will pray for you.
God Bless. :)
2009-07-14 3:00 am
The subject matter isn't the problem so much as it is the conversation tools/techniques of those involved in the discussion.
2009-07-14 2:59 am
The LP,

I'm not sure I understand your first premise. I consider myself to be a Roman Catholic, and as such, a theist. If you were to "shut up" about God's non-existence -- would you still be an atheist? Or would you still hold the same beliefs but just refuse to voice them?

I hope that all atheists treat others with a mutual "human respect." Understandably, I'm sure that being an atheist can be a daunting task and the feeling that people are pushing things down your throat can get extremely uncomfortable and annoying.

Discussion about this (in a moderated forum) is usually a good thing.
2009-07-14 2:59 am
for the first question, i believe it would do a lot of good if everyone had more respect for everyone.
i agree with you,
but see, it's a christian's job to spread to word to others.
i think it would be better though, if, an atheist just said "no thanks- i choose not to believe i don't want to hear your words." it would be very easy and simple to just say, "okay", and move on. instead of having our beliefs mocked and criticized.
i wish some of the other people on this website were as respectful as you, though.
2009-07-14 2:58 am
The Language Police.

". . . shouldn't be discusses . . ."
2009-07-14 2:58 am
why should we shut up look at the heading on the message board in here, it says religion and spirituality.
So what have Atheists got to do with God?
They do not like God, so ok we got it.
2009-07-14 2:58 am
I am not trying to convice you. I dont really care what you believe.

But thats just me,
And that makes me one bad christian.
參考: I hope we dont hear of Giovanni falling off a cliff tommorow. Or like the first man to go public that he was raped. lol jk sorry. I want to be a good person. ( and i do agree with Johnny. I like to hear some of your responses. Just not the ones that go.. There is no God!! Because obviously i dissagree.)
2009-07-14 4:09 pm
Good idea, but what concerns me is that nobody will ever be able to agree on what constitutes "discussion." If a Christian merely "discusses" religion or spiritual life, there are those hot heads who start screaming that we're shoving our religion down your throats... just to shut us up because you don't like hearing our discussion and want everybody to agree with your point of view....and then accuse Christians of wanting every body to agree with their point of view. Anyone who knows how to think knows it is absolutely humanly impossible to FORCE a view on anyone. As long as we are all in control of our own mental faculties, all of us decide for ourselves what we think and believe. So this notion that Christians are shoving their views for discussing them, (while atheists of course can share their views all they want...and why that's just discussion) is total manipulative deceptive nonsense. If atheists don't want to hear the discussions of Christians, there is such a simple solution: don't come here and listen, or do as you suggest and respect the differences. You don't have to agree, but the malicious accusations of atheists toward Christians who are merely doing as you suggest, and discussion religion, are designed to belittle and discredit those of us who discuss our faith....and maybe.....just maybe you think it is atheists who should set the tone, and make the rules for this "discussion." As long as atheists do not believe in spirits, they cannot be the ones determining the discussion of spiritual life and concerns...because by their own admission, they don't know what they are talking about. It's impossible, since they don't believe in what they are talking about. That's kind of like asking the leader of North Korea to set the tone and make the rules for how the UN will function.....extreme example...but that's all I could of right now.. I respect every atheist's right to have thier beliefs. What I don't respect is an atheist who comes here to tell me what I think, tell me what I believe about a topic he knows nothing about, insult me for my way of coming to my conclusions (which were based on reason and logic), belittle me for disagreeing, bash, bash, bash....I've heard one atheist say we Christians should be glad atheists generously take their time to come here and bash, because it's good for our souls...I've read one atheist's response that we're supposed to be good little victims and take our abuse because WE'RE supposed to love, as if atheists get a pass on loving their neighbors. Atheists know Christianity teaches love for enemies, and atheists know (or think) they have an unfair advantage because they can be as vicious as they want and not break any rules of their religion... But what they don't realize is that we know when they are being allowing their discussion and presentation of ideas, while insulting us for doing the same...And I say, only those interested in power struggles and control try to pick a fight with those they perceive as less (intelligent, rational, reasonable, logical.....). As long as atheists believe we Christians have to abide by rules they don't, they'll keep attacking us. The thing is, we do love those who abuse us, but we certainly do not have to keep quiet about it. I really don't understand why you want "discussion" about something you don't believe in. I never see people going to the health section to bash health, or the language section to bash language, or the business section to bash business....Maybe it's because you don't have your own A&B for atheists and blasphemers...I say ask yahoo to make you one. What I find astounding is that you say you want "discussion" but as soon as we start discussing, you (not you personally) start yelling insult and slurs because you disagree. No Christian comes here to insult or slur atheists. We come here to discuss....and get almost nothing but grief, slander, insult and abuse from those who simply disagree.
OK---dissertation over....sorry, but you struck a nerve. In theory you're right, but as long as there are unfair ground rules between the two groups, it can't happen. I wish it could.
2009-07-14 4:33 am
so YOU want us to shut up and have that 'blind faith'. what put us here in the first place?
2009-07-14 3:26 am
Well, this is a forum about religion and spirituality so people are going to discuss it. Thanks to the internet, we're subjected to all sorts of opinions and voices, some we like and agree with, some we don't.

It'd be nice if people discussed issues with respect, and Christians should. In fact, in one of Peter's letters he instructs Christians to share their faith in a gentle and loving way, and also Jesus said that if people don't want to hear the message, to move on. Not to keep pushing the issue.

Christians believe that Jesus is the most important thing in the world, so of course they're going to talk about it. Unfortunately, many of them do more harm than good.

We are supposed to live our lives for God, show love to others, and lead by example. Many Christians fail at that, thus hurting the message.

But as for preaching and forcing things on others, look at the media: we're bombarded with messages all day. Political issues, causes like the environment and disease research, male enhancement, ShamWow, etc. We can change the channel or turn the page or click on another site. But we're bombarded with messages and "preaching" of one kind or another, it's a part of life.
2009-07-14 3:16 am
By whose laws would you use to establish a moral and ethical society and set up courts of justice? The problem with gov't laws, they try to use laws to contain law breakers, not to change them to want to do the right thing or even encourage people to. How many times has an officer given you a warning instead of a ticket?

What about a country that allows pedophiles? Their law is right by them, but is it by your standard? It is great you want the freedom of or freedom from religion, but would you allow religion at all since the majority of all deaths in this world has been fought in the name of Jesus or Allah? since the great flood?

There are universal laws, they do not require you to convert to any religion, to have a moral and ethical life or to establish a moral and ethical society. They have been accepted by all organized religions (book of Acts), RC Church's catechism and canon law, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism and a few others. Just the sword has gotten in the way of who has the most missionaries and who has the most power and money or all three. It is a shame, there is a common bond if we respect what others believe without having to convert people and consider those that don't as enemies of their state or God or their way to get to their heaven (if there is one). Making 2nd class citizens of righteous people that don't share your belief system isn't a good way to get people to sit down and chat about peace, ecology, reclaiming the desert, cleaning up our water, saving whales, etc.

Seriously, check out the Noachide laws. They come from God, but it requires you to respect Him in respect to the moral code He gives us, but people keep the laws without believing in Him (God-Forbid), and respect those that do believe in a Creator ... hard to explain the differences in a few words .... but all righteous, no matter what creed or lack of, what color, race or gender, has a place in the World-to-Come (if they see fit or not) without missionaries or being locked into a religion you feel shortens your vocal cords to be heard as an atheist.

See on Righteous gentiles, or better yet, see "" or the book "Seven Colors of the Rainbow". Actually, Washington and a few of the founding fathers were deists, not Christians and used the Noah laws and the moral code found in Judaism. Unfortunately, those that passed laws, forgot about "freedom of religion" and we are stuck with blue laws that would make a grown man cry today--we even have towns that still have on the books you can't drink, in others, you can't take a bath on Sunday and so forth.

Being Native American, the Noah laws were in our "constitution" long before the missionaries knocked on our trees and took them.
2009-07-14 3:15 am
Honestly, we would not be doing what we were told to do by our Lord. We are truly convinced that we are to try to convince as many as possible that they need Jesus as their savior. I won't force the issue on someone if they do not care to hear it, but I sincerely hope to share the gospel with as many as will hear it.

Not that it may hold any weight with you personally, this is one of the main verses Christians draw from in feeling they are compelled to share the faith.
Matthew 28:18-20 (New International Version)
18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

1 Peter 3:15-16 (New International Version)
15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

Matthew 28:19 Or into; see Acts 8:16; 19:5; Romans 6:3; 1 Cor. 1:13; 10:2 and Gal. 3:27.

Now, before every atheist goes "thumbs down " crazy, understand that the asker wanted an HONEST answer for the honest question.
2009-07-14 3:08 am
hey cool you have common sence too, join the ranks of the rational thinking people.
參考: Im is a Christian
2009-07-14 3:06 am
A honest question deserves a honest answer.

I think of Christ always. It will never be a private matter to me, although the way I hope to communicate it is not by annoying words but by service to others.

By my calmness I communicate it. A few words of encouragement here and there. That is all that is needed. Nothing else. People have heard of Christ loving them, but they haven't felt it. It is my job to help them feel it.

Nothing else. What's the point of endless babbles about conversion and defending the truth, when modern people need solidarity, they need understanding, listening, silence....

Yes silence. When the whole world is yelling we have to be the refuge of silence. This way people WILL listen to us.
2009-07-14 3:03 am
2009-07-14 3:03 am
I'll treat you with respect whether or not you shut up. I agree about the difficulty having a real conversation about this. But sometimes a thing is worth doing even if it's hard. I don't want religious questions/views excluded from the public square. Feel free to speak out. I welcome your questions and comments.

2009-07-14 3:02 am
Why not do as i do. I ignore those atheists who show disrespect and report the hardened culprits. I've always respected all people here. But it might interest you to know that I'm just as hard and determined with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as I am with the atheists here; probably even moreso. Just ask them and mention my name. They'll probably "rag me out to you." lolol
2009-07-14 3:01 am
I think it is important to engage each other in Spiritual long as neither party is simply trying to convince/convert the other, and it does not simply turn into a shouting match, or an argument. I think it is important, though, for athiests and Christians to have conversations in which they simply share their points of view, and why they believe what they believe...they don't have to agree or disagree, it's just a conversation, with each party respecting the other.
2009-07-14 2:58 am
I say bravo! You've taken a step beyond the current zeitgeist, and I applaud you for it. I fear, however, that you're in for a bashing from the xtians. Duck and cover, my friend!
2009-07-14 2:58 am
Sounds good to me.

But it's only the crazies, on BOTH sides that revert to pathetic shouting. I prefer logical debate, but I find myself pointing out a number of logical fallacies instead of responding to their answer. Until a theist can provide me a logical debate that doesn't involve logical fallacies, I will respond with a logical answer. I'm not being rude, I'm debating.

Yes, I'm (somewhat) a Christian. But I find arguing from an atheist's standpoint to be enlightening.
2009-07-14 3:01 am
2009-07-14 3:00 am
No, they won't stop hunting us down. It's a part of they're religion to convert people.

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