
2009-07-14 7:01 am
My father works in china,so he lives in hong kong a little time,he will come home a day of week .my father often talks for me that he was very handsome when he was young. Although I dont think so ,but many relatives said he is a handsome man。



回答 (3)

2009-07-14 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案

My father has to work in China, so he doesn't spend much time in Hong Kong. Gladly, he comes home at least once a week. He often tells me how handsome he was when he was young. Although I dont think so, many of my relatives say that he is a handsome man.
I am sorry to inform you that you have made lots of mistakes in this short paragraph.
I suggest you hire an English tutor for your studies.
Good luck!
Although ( no "but")

2009-07-14 11:49:30 補充:
Gladly, he comes home once a week.*********

2009-07-14 11:49:42 補充:
Gladly, he comes home once a week.*********
2009-07-14 7:33 am
My father works in China. He spends very little time in HK. He comes home one day per week. My father often tells me that he was a very handsome when he was young. Although I don't thinks so, many of my relatives do say that he is a handsome man.

2009-07-13 23:36:48 補充:
Please take out the "a" from the sentence, it should read:

My father often tells me he was very handsome when he was young.
2009-07-14 7:28 am
My father works in China and only comes back home in Hong Kong once a week. My father always told me that he was handsome when he was young, although I don't think so (or I don't agree), but many of my relatives do said that he is handsome.

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