
2009-07-12 10:07 pm
第一句源自是Nokia N93 廣告的:

1.Online as it happens.

第二句是在YAHOO 找尋liar發現的:

2.He is anything but a liar.




回答者2 的「但绝不是騙子,為何不用not 來作否定意思,就好像 He is anything but not a liar.

回答 (4)

2009-07-16 4:35 am
ha ha ha! you guys that's error what chinese translator usually got!
( 哈哈!各位,這是中文翻譯經常犯的錯誤了!)

To 003, you should rewrite all these!
"error" and "translator" are both countable nouns!

What did you try to show use here?

2009-07-15 20:35:56 補充:
What is a "Chinese translator"?

2009-07-15 20:36:19 補充:
That's error????????????

Usually GOT ( past tense???????)

2009-07-15 20:37:59 補充:
don't translate into (不要把它翻譯為)

" 那份試卷是<一塊蛋糕> "
" 這種約會材料是<一塊蛋糕> "

Don't translate XXX into <------------Where is the object?

2009-07-15 20:39:02 補充:
lets get back to the question (讓我們回到之前的問題 ) :

What is "lets"?

Did you mean " let's" ?

2009-07-15 20:40:34 補充:
should be (應該是) :
" online " , it's seperate (是分開的) !

Do you know how to spell " S E P A R AT E"?

2009-07-15 20:41:58 補充:
I saw him yesterday as it happens.

We met her only yesterday, as it happens.

I saw him <----- simple past tense

We met her only yesterday<--------simple past tense

How could you mix this tense with the present tense?
2009-07-15 4:16 am
ha ha ha! you guys that's error what chinese translator usually got!
( 哈哈!各位,這是中文翻譯經常犯的錯誤了!)

that's not a literal translation, since when you translate from one language to another the phrase usually requires a little "tweaking."
( 這不是直譯,因為當你把從一種語言譯到另一個語言的短語通常需要一點點“調整”。)

and please don't translate it straightly!

for example (例如) :
" The exam paper was <a piece of cake> "
and (和)
" This Dating Stuff Is <a Piece of Cake> "

don't translate into (不要把它翻譯為)

" 那份試卷是<一塊蛋糕> "
" 這種約會材料是<一塊蛋糕> "

" Piece of Cake " here means (的含義 ) >
- easy job, 容易(或輕鬆愉快)的事情

should be (應該是) :
" 那份試卷十分容易 "
" 约会简直就是小菜一碟 "

" a pie in the sky " is dream (意思是" 夢想 ");
not (不是) " 在天空裡的一塊餡餅 "


lets get back to the question (讓我們回到之前的問題 ) :

so " He is anything but a liar "

in essence, it means (本意是) :

" 他决不是一个撒谎的人 " !

and then (至於) " Online as it happens "

should be (應該是) :
" online <as it happens> " , it's seperate (是分開的) !

" as it happens " means (意思是)
- as happened, By chance, accidental (碰巧, 偶然)

examples (例如) :

I saw him yesterday as it happens.

We met her only yesterday, as it happens.

2009-08-17 07:42:56 補充:
for your information mr. DIE!

1. the point here is my translation correct or not?

2. the question here is for the right translation not grammar matter!

2009-08-17 07:50:07 補充:
3. i lived in abroad for more than 30 years! and we usually type english in short cut (on web), and at here it's just a trial for using chinese yahoo-answer, and here i can't find the Edit function it may any correction for tying error as easy as the english version....

2009-08-17 07:53:43 補充:
...that's also the reason why i'm not active here.

but in English yahoo-answer i'm also a top contributor like you! and have more answers & best answer than you.

2009-08-17 07:55:04 補充:
4. for your questions about the examples of:

saw him <----- simple past tense
We met her only yesterday<--------simple past tense
How could you mix this tense with the present tense?

it was from the 英漢漢英辭典 ! pls CHECK !

2009-08-17 07:56:12 補充:
... and what's your education level? pls be more hamble!

Did you think your English GRAMMAR is pretty good & better than those editors of the dictionary ?!
2009-07-13 1:04 am
1. 第一句的字面解释是当在线的時候发生。

2. He is anything but a liar : 他可以是任何一種人,但绝不是騙子。
參考: Self
2009-07-12 11:00 pm
1.Online as it happens.

2.He is anything but a liar.

參考: 自己

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