Aural Grade 8 (20 marks)

2009-07-12 5:54 pm
Please help me!!!!!

I do not understand part A, identifying chords
please explain to me how i should answer it and also some techniques please!!

can you also explain the Ia Ib those plz!

回答 (2)

2009-07-15 5:40 am
You have to answer by identifying the names of the chords e.g. chord one/tonic, chord two/supertonic, chord four/subdominant , chord five/dominant


Identifying the inversion chords (if there is any)

1st (=1a,1st inversion of tonic) & 2nd inversion (=1b,2nd inversion of tonic)
(can't remember if you need to identify 3rd inversion too?)


identifying the cadence(s) (there may be more than one cadence in a short tune!)

Perfect, (V-I)
Imperfect, (I/ii/IV-V)
Interrupted (V-vi) &
Plagal (IV-I)

p.s. I am not sure about all these stuff so you should ask your piano teacher to confirm.It tells you everything in the Specimen Grade 6-8 Aural Book by ABRSM so you should get one. Good luck to your exam!
參考: I have done Grade 8 piano this year.
2009-07-13 6:05 am
Aural Grade 8A Part III:

To identify up to four chords, including the cadential progression that you answer in Part II. Chords you need to know:

Ia, Ib, Ic
iia, iib
Va, Vb, Vc

After you have answered Part II, the examiner will play the key-chord again, and then he will play the 1st chord (you answer), 2nd chord (answer), 3rd chord (answer), 4th chord (answer). 3rd and 4th chord are the cadence you have answered in Part II, so make sure that your answer is related to what you answer for your cadence. eg. you answered plagal cadence in Part II, the last two chords in Part III will definitely be IV-I.

As for the first two chords: Listen to the key-chord carefully.
If major key given: I, IV, V sound major. ii, vi sound minor.
If minor key given: i, iv sound minor. ii sounds diminished. V sounds major.

Ic-V: same bass note.
IV-I: sounds like 'a-men'.
V-vi (in major key): sounds from major to minor. (in minor key) bass moves step-wise.

That's about all. Good luck.

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