English queation (Grammar)

2009-07-12 8:03 am
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.(即是a ,an and the )
(e.g) An eleven-year-old boy in (1) small town wanted to be (2)
train driver. But (3) boy was born without arms.
He was taught by his uncle to use his feet as hands. He couldn’t go
to school so he spent all his time on watching trains coming and going because he lived near (4) station. How he wished he could be (5) train driver! One day he saw (6) empty trian and he climbed in. He started
it with his feet easily. Soon (7) train was travelling at forty kilometres (8) hour. Nobody could see (9) boy in (10) train and stop (11) train.
(12) train reached (13) small station (14) little way from (15) town and then (16) boy drove it back.
When he was near (17) town, (18) worker caught up
with (19) train and stopped it. At first he was very angry, but when he saw (20) boy, he was so surprised that he could hardly believe it was

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.(即是a ,an and the ) When no
article is needed, put X in the blank.
It was (1) cold spring morning in (2) London. (3) weather was very cold, and many people were ill. So there were many people in (4)
doctor’s waiting room. At (5) head of (6) queue, there was (7) old woman. (8) woman was (9) visitor. She did not live in (10) London.
She lived in (11) country. She was in (12) city to visit her daughter.
She wanted to see (13) doctor because her back
Soon (14) Indian came into (15) waiting room, and walked quickly to (16) doctor’s room. (17) old woman
thought he was (18) queue jumper. She stood up and took his
arm. Slowly, she said, “We were all here before you. You must wait
for your turn. Do you understand?” (19) Indian answered, “No,
(20) madam. You don’t understand! You’re all after me. I’m
(21) doctor."

Word Power Common Idioms (1) Fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box. fond of afraid of at once at first at last in a hurry instead of at least proud of prefer ... to ... in love with full of


1. Don’t stop. We are _________________ . 2. Michael is _______________Winnie. They like each other. 3. The room is ____________ people. 4. His mother is ___________ him because he got very good results in the exam. 5. You should do your work ______________ . Don’t hesitate.


6. You should have ________________ a copy in your hands. 7. Can you give me the file ________________ the book? 8. Would you like some coffee? No, I ________ tea ______ coffee.


9. _________________ , he was a good boy. Then he turned bad when he met some bad friends. 10. You can finish your project ____________ . It’s been delayed for a week already.


Language Game Place to Go Jenny is going to buy the following things. Where should she go to? book shop supermarket furniture shop florist shop boutique jewellery shop goldsmith bakery toyshop newspaper kiosk gift shop shoe shop computer shop music shop


Things to BuyPlace to Go 1. newspaper 2. some flowers 3. some bread 4. a dictionary 5. a dress 6. a pair of sports shoes 7. a sofa 8. a diamond ring 9. a birthday present 10. a CD 11. some frozen food 12. board games 13. a desktop computer 14. a lock


Parts of Speech Exercise 1 Fill in each gap with a word of the right part of speech. Underline the correct answers.


Mr. Smith was a biology e.g. ( __professor__ / profession ), and he had a big 1. (collect / collection ) of rarer bones which he was very 2.(pride / proud ) of. One year he 3. (managed / management ) to get a new and better job at another university.


Because Mr. Smith was very busy, his wife made the 4. (arrangements / arrange) for all their 5. (possess / possessions) to be taken in a 6. (moving / moved) van to their new home while he was away at work.


The 7. (following / follow) week, three men started taking the things out of Mrs.Smith’s house and loading them into the van, when one of them brought out a large 8. (wood / wooden) box,


he was just about to throw it into the van with all the other things when Mrs. Smith ran out of her house and said, “Please treat that box very 9. (gently / gentle)! That one has all my husband’s bones in it.”


The man was so 10. (surprised / surprise)that he 11. (near /nearly) dropped the box on his feet.


Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the right part of speech. In some cases, you may have to change the form of verb. e.g love (n.) (v.), lovely (adj.) (a) I ___love___ you. (b) Fiona is a ___lovely___ girl. (c) I sent mother my ___love___ .


Word Power Common Idioms (1) Fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box. fond of afraid of at once at first at last in a hurry instead of at least proud of prefer ... to ... in love with full of


Word Power Common Idioms (1) Fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box. fond of afraid of at once at first at last in a hurry instead of at least proud of prefer ... to ... in love with full of


Word Power Common Idioms (1) Fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box. fond of afraid of at once at first at last in a hurry instead of at least proud of prefer ... to ... in love with full of


1. Don’t stop. We are _________________ . 2. Michael is _______________Winnie. They like each other. 3. The room is ____________ people. 4. His mother is ___________ him because he got very good results in the exam. 5. You should do your work ______________ . Don’t hesitate.


6. You should have ________________ a copy in your hands. 7. Can you give me the file ________________ the book? 8. Would you like some coffee? No, I ________ tea ______ coffee.


9. _________________ , he was a good boy. Then he turned bad when he met some bad friends. 10. You can finish your project ____________ . It’s been delayed for a week already,

回答 (4)

2009-07-21 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Articles-Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.(即是a ,an and the )
(e.g) An eleven-year-old boy in (1)A small town wanted to be (2) A
train driver. But (3) THE boy was born without arms.
He was taught by his uncle to use his feet as hands. He couldn’t go
to school so he spent all his time on watching trains coming and going because he lived near (4) THE station. How he wished he could be (5) A train driver! One day he saw (6) AN empty trian and he climbed in. He started it with his feet easily. Soon (7) THE train was travelling at forty kilometres (8) AN hour. Nobody could see (9) THE boy in (10) THE train and stop (11) THE train. (12) THE train reached (13) A small station(14) A little way from (15) THE town and then (16) THE boy drove it back.
When he was near (17) THE town, (18) A worker caught up
with (19) THE train and stopped it. At first he was very angry, but when he saw (20) THE boy, he was so surprised that he could hardly believe it was true.

2009-07-20 17:49:37 補充:
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.When no
article is needed, put X in the blank.
It was (1) A cold spring morning in (2) X London.

2009-07-20 17:49:59 補充:
(3) THE weather was very cold, and many people were ill. So there were many people in (4) THE doctor’s waiting room. At (5) THE head of (6) THE queue, there was (7) AN old woman. (8) THE woman was (9) A visitor. She did not live in (10) X London.

2009-07-20 17:50:18 補充:
She lived in (11) A country. She was in (12) THE city to visit her daughter. She wanted to see (13) THE doctor because her back hurt. Soon (14) AN Indian came into (15) THE waiting room, and walked quickly to (16) THE doctor’s room. (17)THE old woman thought he was (18) A queue jumper.

2009-07-20 17:50:39 補充:
She stood up and took his arm. Slowly, she said, “We were all here before you. You must wait for your turn. Do you understand?” (19) THE Indian answered, “No, (20) X madam. You don’t understand! You’re all after me. I’m (21) THE doctor."

2009-07-20 17:50:56 補充:
Word Power
Common Idioms (1)
Fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box.
1. Don’t stop. We are --in a hurry .
2. Michael is --in love with Winnie. They like each other.
3. The room is --full of people.
4. His mother is --proud of him because he got very good results in the exam.

2009-07-20 17:51:42 補充:
5. You should do your work-- at once . Don’t hesitate.
6. You should have –at least a copy in your hands.
7. Can you give me the file –instead of the book?

2009-07-20 17:51:59 補充:
8. Would you like some coffee? No, I --prefer tea --to coffee.
9.–At first, he was a good boy. Then he turned bad when he met some bad friends.
10. You can finish your project --at last. It’s been delayed for a week already.

2009-07-20 17:52:27 補充:
Language Game-Place to Go
Jenny is going to buy the following things. Where should she go to?
Things to Buy - Place to Go
1. Newspaper- newspaper kiosk
2. some flowers-florist shop
3. some bread - bakery
4. a dictionary- book shop

2009-07-20 17:52:49 補充:
5. a dress- boutique
6. a pair of sports shoes-shoe shop
7. a sofa-furniture shop
8. a diamond ring-jewellery shop
9. a birthday present-gift shop
10. a CD- music shop
11. some frozen food-supermarket
12. board games-toy shop
13. a desktop computer- computer shop
14. a lock- goldsmith

2009-07-20 17:54:06 補充:
1. interest (v.) (n.), interesting (adj.), interested (adj.)
(a) This book- interests -me a lot.
(b) This is an -interesting- book.
(c) I am -interested- in reading.

2009-07-20 17:54:18 補充:
2. information (n.), inform (v.), informative(adj.)
(a) Where can I get the –information- about computer?
(b) This is an -informative- reference book. It is useful to us.
(c) I will -inform- you as soon as I know the results.

2009-07-20 17:54:29 補充:
3. attention (n.), attend (v.) attentive (adj.)
(a) He -attends- classes in the evening.
(b) His mother was –attentive- to him when he was ill.
(c) Please pay -attention- to what the teachers say.

2009-07-20 17:54:39 補充:
4. act (v.), action (n.), active (adj.) actively (adv.)
(a) He is a very -active- person.
(b) Can you-act- as a policeman in the drama?
(c) My mother takes part in the community work –actively-.
(d) The police are taking -action- to deal with speeding.

2009-07-20 17:54:49 補充:
5. luck (n.), lucky (adj.), luckily (adv.)
(a) You are very –lucky- to get a pass.
(b) Don’t trust –luck- .
(c) –Luckily- , she was not hurt in the accident.

2009-07-20 17:55:02 補充:
Word Power-Common Idioms (2)
Fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box.

1. -in general-, boys are taller than girls.
2. Jennifer is - good at- drawing.
3. Please tell me everything - in detail - .

2009-07-20 17:55:10 補充:
4. Her mother is - anxious about( not sure abt this one)- her health.
5. Jimmy is - delighted with- his test results.
6. My mother is - angry with- me because I broke her vase.
7. We will be - free from work tomorrow.

2009-07-20 17:55:19 補充:
8. - all of a sudden-, a window fell down from the building.
9. He made his living- by means of -begging.
10. This name is - familiar to- me. I have read it before

For the revision of tenses, can u providethe verbs for each of the blanks? coz i need them to complete the article.thx
2009-07-26 8:23 am
2009-07-25 1:08 am

2009-07-23 4:17 am
1. Don’t stop. We are _____in a hurry ____________ .

2. Michael is _____in love with _____Winnie. They like each other.

3. The room is ____full of ______ people.

4. His mother is ____proud of ___ him because he got very good results in the exam.

5. You should do your work _____at once ___ . Don’t hesitate.

6. You should have ________at least_____ a copy in your hands.

7. Can you give me the file ______instead of ____ the book?

8. Would you like some coffee? No, I _prefer__ tea __to__ coffee.

9. _____at first______ , he was a good boy. Then he turned bad when he met some bad friends.
0. You can finish your project _____ . It’s been delayed for a week already.

2009-07-22 20:18:53 補充:
10. at last

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