Looking for Chinese dramas about 反清复明?

2009-07-11 10:33 am
It would be very helpful if you give the title in Chinese characters or at least in pinyin thanks.

I'm not looking for operas. Only dramas.

回答 (2)

2009-07-12 5:00 am
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hmmm...the first one that comes to mind is 鹿鼎記. It's a drama about 韋小寶 and 康熙. 康熙 is an emperor of the Qing Dynasty. 韋小寶 is a duke and a good friend of the emperor. He's also a high-rank personnel of 天地會, which is considered a triad back in the days and their motto was 反清复明.

There are many versions of the drama 鹿鼎記. The two I like the most are the 1984 drama series by Hong Kong TVB with Tony Leung (梁朝偉) and Andy Lau (劉德華), and the 1992 movie with Stephen Chow (周星馳) and Derek Wan (溫兆倫). If you want more about 反清复明 then the 1984 TVB series might be better.
2009-07-11 6:23 pm
A famous Cantonese opera "The Flower of the Emperor's Girl" with a very popular song also by that name sung by Ms Yum Kim Fey and Ms Pat Suet Sin.

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