
2009-07-12 4:48 am
我想移民美國讀書 .

係自己一個移民美國讀書 .

NY 有幾個親戚 , 佢地係美國永久居民 .

1個 Aunt , 3個Uncle .

如果要成為美國永久居民要幾多年 ?


成功移民之後過幾耐先俾 GreenCard ?

成功移民之後可唔可以即刻工作 ?

回答 (4)

2009-07-20 1:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
親屬移民: 親屬移民共劃分爲兩類,
第一優先:優先勞工(三類) 1.在科學、藝術、教育、商業、運動方面表現特優,享譽全國或全球的外國人。2.在特殊學術領域裏有三年以上的執教或研究經驗,并獲國際認可的傑出教授或研究人員。3.國際貿易公司的高級管理人員,在申請此身份的前三年中,需有一年以上在該公司工作的經驗,來美國在同一公司或所屬企業繼續工作。
第二優先;具有高等學位的特殊技能的專業人士(二類) 1.具有高等學位(碩士和碩士以上學位)或“同等學曆”(在該專業領域内至少有五年以上的經驗)。2.在科學、藝術、商業方面有特殊能力,對美國經濟、文化、教育或福利有實質效用。
第三優先:技術勞工、專業人員和其它勞工(三類) 1.指具有學士學位并已從事專業者(如會計師、建築師和工程師等)。2.技術勞工,指具有二年以上的職業訓練或經驗者。 3.其它勞工,包括非技術勞工。
第四優先:特殊移民(九類) 1.期望重新獲得美國國籍者。2.宗教工作者。3.在美國境外爲美國政府工作十年以上者。
參考: 月光光
2009-07-13 1:49 pm
because USA is an immigrant country, there are lots of lots people want to go migrant there. the waitting line is very very long.
if the USA just open the door and let everyone come in, i believe 75 % of world population will be live there. so the US grovernemnt had set a law to limited people who can and who can not come as their wish.
in your case, you are not chance except the green card lottery. you aunts and uncles in US have nothing to do to your immigrantion. they are not direct blood related to you.
oh, one more way for you to come is try to marry a US citizen. you then will be in USA about 1 year.

2009-07-19 03:42:24 補充:
if you don't like those 3 ways to migrant.
it is no other idea for you legally to go there.

one more time, your uncles and aunt have nothing to do to help you. they are not your family member, zero relationship at all.
參考: live in US
2009-07-12 8:08 am
There are 3 kinds of immigration methods for the United States:

1. Through family

2. Through employment

3. Diversity Visa (Green Card Lottery)

In answering your questions:

1. You won't be eligible for 1 and 2 above. Basically, your relationship is not given preferences and you don't have the skill and knowledge for employment. The only one left is the lottery, providing that you are over 18 years old and graduated from high school (Form. 5). But the chance is really limited because in average only 8 applications are drawn from Hong Kong.

2. As soon as you are approved for immigrant visa, green card will be issued upon your arrival.

3. Immigrant visa is a settlement visa, so you can work instantly.

2009-07-12 23:47:50 補充:
The major difference between a citizen and a permanent resident is permanent resident status can be canceled but not citizenship. Also, permanent residents are not allow to collect government allowance or welfare.

2009-07-12 23:49:07 補充:
The only method left is through employment. But you are not highly skilled. So there is no chance.

2009-07-12 23:49:48 補充:
Your relatives, as U.S. Citizens, have nothing to do with you.

2009-07-12 23:52:01 補充:
U.S. Immigration system is designed to provide benefits to immediate family member. So your father or mother is eligible with dependents, but not you because you don't have immediate relationship and you will be aged out from your mother or father's application.
2009-07-12 5:09 am
Currently, No.......

Your Aunt and Uncle is not US Citizens yet, so they cannot apply anybody to the US for now, you need to wait until they become US Citizens

Also, your aunt and uncle cannot apply you to the US as they are not directly related to you. They need to apply your mum or father to the US First. If you are under 21 and unmarried, you can be included in their application.

If you are over 21 and/or married, you cannot be applied with your parent and they need to made a separated application to US after they become US Citizens

Be short, you cannot apply on your own.

如果要成為美國永久居民要幾多年 ?

If you are under 21 and unmarried

you need to wait for 12 years after your aunt and uncle become US Citizes

If you are over 21 and/or married

you need to wait about 25 years after your aunt and uncle became US Citizens

成功移民之後過幾耐先俾 GreenCard ?

You will get to apply Green Card after you land, green card will be issued within 3 months you apply

成功移民之後可唔可以即刻工作 ?

You can after you got tax number (Social Security Number)

2009-07-12 23:13:34 補充:
Well, first, is your uncle or aunt have Citizenship, yes or no?

LPR is NOT CITIZENSHIP. cos people have LPR cannot sponsor relative to US, only person who have Citizenship can sponsor people to US

2009-07-12 23:14:48 補充:
Q .1

我有D唔明 , 點解 12年 & 25年,我伯母同伯父成為美國Citizes之後,
我仲要等 ? 點解要等咁多年幾??

Well, there is a LONG queue for every immgrant intented visa.

You, as an independednt entities do not satisified all the Visa requirment, cos you do not have any directly related relative who are US Citizens

2009-07-12 23:15:59 補充:
Directly related relative mean your parent, sibling(Brother and Sister) and children ONLY. Uncle aunt, grand parent cannot sponsor your application as there are no visa class in these type of relationship.

2009-07-12 23:24:49 補充:
The priority of 4 different family class are as follow (Waiting Period)

Priority 1 : Unmarried Adult Children of US Citizens (Within 12 months)

Priority 2 : Spousal or Common Sex partner (Within 2 years)

2009-07-12 23:24:57 補充:
Priority 3: Married Children of US Citizens (Appoximately 9 years)

Priority 4: Sibling of US Citizens (Appoximately 12 years)

2009-07-12 23:26:05 補充:
Nothice that there are only these 4 priority, if your relation is not lie within these 4 priority, you cannot apply US Residency

Why 12 years you may ask?

Cos your aunt or uncle is sibling of your mum or father, they are priority 4 which take the longest waiting time.

2009-07-12 23:27:43 補充:
So why 25 years?

that is based on you are over 21 and/or married, it may go as high as 25 years waiting period

2009-07-12 23:28:18 補充:
First, your aunt need to apply your mom or father to US and since you are over 21, you cannot "Share" the application and included in the same application

2009-07-12 23:28:56 補充:
that alone take 11-12 years as they are priority 4

Then you need to wait until your mom or dad become US Citizens and that take 5 years

2009-07-12 23:30:52 補充:
If you are married, you need further 7 -9 years for priority 3 application, that is
12+5+9=26 years

However, if you were still unmarried in 17 years time, then you can get to US 18 years(12+5+1) after your aunt/.uncle first apply your mom/dad to US

2009-07-12 23:31:58 補充:
Punch line is, you cannot apply as an individual as they(Your aunt and uncle in US) are not your immediately relative. You either have relation belong to those 4 priority or you cannot apply US Reisdency thru Family member

Do you understand?

2009-07-19 08:13:24 補充:
咁係唔係就算佢地係美國公民 , 都唔可以幫我移民?

No, cos under USCIS definition, any sponsorship must be done by a US Citizens with IMMEDIATE connection with the application.

2009-07-19 08:14:14 補充:
Immediate connection mean it can either be your parents, siblings, children only

2009-07-19 08:15:12 補充:
我仲要等 ? 點解要等咁多年幾??

Well, cos you cannot apply outright as US permenant resident......

The only way to get LPR is to have your aunt apply your mother/father to US first, then decide from then....

2009-07-19 08:17:08 補充:
Why 12 and 25 years?

Is simple, cos ther time take to your aunt applying your parent take 12 years as they are priority number 4 (the lowest) it is the case processing time in US.

2009-07-19 08:17:44 補充:
However, if you were under 21 and unmarried, you can shared with your aprent application, so you only need to wait 12 years

But if you are over 21 and married..Then you need 25-26 years to get green card

2009-07-19 08:23:33 補充:
cos it needed to do

Your aunt apply your parent ((Take 12 years) -> Your Parent become US Citizens (Take 5 years) -> You parent apply you (Priority 3 , take about 7-9 years)

That is 12+5+8 ~ 25 years

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