有finance master 係唔係真係咁重要???

2009-07-11 11:10 pm
本人係澳洲讀緊degree, major in finance. 考慮緊讀master定出黎做野好. 所以想問下讀完finance master係唔係真係有用過degree 出黎搵野做呢?? 又或者去考專業的牌照會有用過讀master??

回答 (1)

2009-07-21 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are looking for the first job, I do not think Master will help you a lot. Sometimes, the people will not hire you because of your master. (lack of working experiences).
You should try to get the job first and then part time study the master or take the professional exam. I won't hire the people who got the master, but do not have any working experiences.

參考: Own opinion.

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