off we go(20)(20)(20)(20)(20)

2009-07-11 8:39 pm
off we go 點解??

thank you very much!!!!

回答 (4)

2009-07-12 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
off we go,是用了前置法(fronting),而不是倒裝法,因為倒裝法乃指將動詞置於主詞之前

而前置法,即受 詞 ( object ) 、 形 容 詞 ( adjective ) 、 副 詞 ( adverb ) 等 置 於 句 首 , 有 強 調 作 用
Strange people they are
Fool that I was!
所以,你大約可以看off we go,為we go off,而句子是強調off
off we go的意思,就是「我們離開吧!」
鄧不利多對哈利說了一句話”off you go”(你離開吧!)

2009-07-12 8:30 am

2009-07-11 10:02 pm
如要分析:那麼off是副詞,modifying the verb 'go' 吧!我會譯成「讓我們出發去」。
因為這是習慣用語,所以雖然有 inversion 的形式,也不能單以 inversion 去解釋的。
就以 off you go 為例,我就不知道在甚麼時候可以用到的呢?你是在發號施令了,是先到為勝嗎?那也不是常用的例子呢!
2009-07-11 9:02 pm
off we go 點解??
This is called " inversion" 倒裝法 in English.

We go OFF( place this in the front). = Let's go.= Let's set off.

go off = 出發

Off you go <----------Common
It means you can leave now. I bet your teachers or friends have said this to you.

2009-07-12 21:30:09 補充:
The other day, I corrected something, but my additional answer did not show up on Yahoo. Sigh!

Yeah, it should be "前置法".

He is a ((( handsome man))).

(((A handsome man)) he is.

2009-07-12 21:45:09 補充:
To 001, " off you go" is very common in the UK.

I have heard it so many times.

2009-07-13 11:14:38 補充:
前置法 falls into the catagory of inversion actually.

Off you go Compliment-subject-verb ( a kind of inversion)

Here is a link for your reference:

2009-07-13 11:16:43 補充:
C-S-V ( Off you go)


C-S-V See the different patterns?

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