
2009-07-11 10:18 am
我叫XXX..今年22歲.. 住在xxxxxxxx….家庭成員有爸爸媽媽和我..


2007年於xxxxx SCHOO中五畢業,

其後曾於ABC company做過telesales,主要工作是向客戶推銷保險產品..處理客戶投訴.和詢問.


我從網上得知這分工.. 因為我對這份工有興趣, 所以來申請面試見工,如果貴公司能夠給與我機會, 我會能夠在此用心地學習,及努力工作

回答 (1)

2009-07-14 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is XXX. I am 22 years old. I live with my parents.

My hobbies are cooking and swimming.

I finished my F.5 study and graduated from XXX school in 2007.

I worked as a telesales in ABC company. My major duties are selling insurance, handling complaints and enquiries.

Since I worked over there nearly 2 years, I would like to change the working environment.

I get the information of this job online. I apply it because I am interested about it. It would be grateful if you can offer me a chance to work for you.

如果我係你, 我會先講下
2 自己d 工作經驗
3 最後那段也可以不用講. 不過一般公司都會問你為甚麼想申請那份工. 你可能要用d時間講下點解你對份工有興趣. 你有甚麼相關經驗可以在那份工上有貢獻. (即係sell下自己, 點解人地要請你)
5最後是你的離職理由. 轉換工作環境不是是一個理由. 可考慮你想學多d那間公司所做的工作內容. 不過一般簡短的interview也不一定會問. 不過你都要準備下.
6 而你同邊個家人住, 一般人都不會有興趣. 若對方不問, 可以不講.

Good luck!

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