How many more mice are in my house?

2009-07-11 12:52 am
A couple of weeks ago one of my roommates noticed a mouse in the house for the first time. When I got back from my vacation a week ago I set out four snap traps baited with peanut butter. I have caught 5 so far.

Its nauseating having to clean up the little corpses. How long do I have to keep this up to kill them all?

Naturally you can't know for sure, just someone experienced give me a guess.

回答 (11)

2009-07-11 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
They could be all gone or there could be half a dozen more. Keep traps out until you aren't catching anymore.
2016-04-05 7:46 pm
Because hice isn't a word lol =) Good question though
2009-07-11 1:46 am
Its really hard to say- possibly 1 or 2 more? or may be none?
Try borrowing a cat from family or friends- for a few weeks if that's possible ?The advice given above about" Peppermint oil" & Pea nut butter" sounds excellent too?
If you have had success so far, and don't mind continuing with the same methods -that may be a good idea too ?
(setting traps till no more get caught usually solves the problem-for each season)
2009-07-11 1:39 am
haha - "mouse in the house" << lol :-D

well sounds like they are all like coming from one place... probably a family of them living in a wall or a vent. You could have one more, or 12 more! :-o

Good luck! :-D
2009-07-11 1:11 am
normally if you see them then it is getting crowded in their hiding places.
2009-07-11 1:05 am
Use 100% peppermint essential oil soaked cotton balls and place them all around the house where the mice are being spotted or nesting. It's harmless and they hate the strong scent and just leave. Or try peanut butter dipped(p-nut butter opt.) Exlax. It won't kill, just make them ill enough to spread the word it's time to pack up and go and you won't have to worry about anymore little dead bodies.
2009-07-11 1:02 am
I hate to tell you this but if you cant find out where they are coming in you will never get rid of them, if you can't plug the holes to prevent them from entering or they make new ones put traps on the outside of your house or call the orkin man, I went through this in my previous old home and it was a constant battle hope this helps some.
good luck!!
2009-07-11 12:58 am
could be ten could be twenty heck it could even be a hundred. they reproduce very quickly. ahhh, the birds and the bees:-)
2009-07-11 12:57 am
there's probably an infestation (not a real bad one but a vast amount), because you are only seeing less than half the full amount, they are fast, and somewhat reclusive so you probably have 100 or less,,,guessing
2009-07-11 1:03 am
Instead of setting traps, open up a box of D-Con mouse poison. They love the stuff and will unwittingly commit suicide.

When you stop seeing mouse turds around the sink, you will know they are all dead. Just keep a lookout for the dead corpses.
2009-07-11 12:57 am
All the mice in the world are in your house.
You better get busy...

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