I am going to china in a week, do they use modern medicine there, like if I get hurt or sick?

2009-07-10 11:11 pm
Because I am afraid if I get sick or hurt they might take me to the hospital and treat me with like chinese medicine. Like what if they try and treat something with some strange stuff like bat wing, snake scales and tree roots?

回答 (12)

2009-07-10 11:22 pm
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Yes they do.

You will be fine. They have vacacines, antibotics and all kind of westerns medicine.

You wouldn't think Western medical company would skip China in their money making scheme, would you? What a big market!

Treat symptoms, but not the cause.
2009-07-10 11:19 pm
Yes, they have modern medicine. But if you prefer, you can seek Chinese traditional help as well.
2009-07-11 2:04 am
I've lived in China for over six years and I've never received medication that I did approve. I've had some xrays and ultrasounds done at Chinese hospitals, but nothing serious. Western antibiotics are readily available (even over the counter, which anyone can buy without a prescription . . . in fact, I've not seen prescriptions outside the western facilities) and most meds are very reasonably priced. I just bought ibuprofin . . . 100 mg tablets (typically sold in 200 mg tabs) . . . 100 tablets for only 1.60 yuan! That's a little over two US dollars . . . you can't touch that in the US!

Good luck and enjoy your trip!
2009-07-11 12:27 am
they use modern medicine there.
i wont say that they are sanitary but they do have modern medicine.
they also have traditional medicine as well. you can choose what kind of medication you would like best.
2009-07-10 11:42 pm
if you're taken to a hospital, you're most likely going to receive Western medicine and treatment. You might want to get travel health insurance before you leave though.I think the only Chinese medicine that's "approved" is acupuncture, etc. You need to go to a herbal medicine store to get bat wing/snake scales/etc.
2009-07-12 2:31 pm
This question seems a little racist...your mind is a little stuck on the 1950's beliefs about China.....pure ignorance..

China has modern medicine and have hospitals. Doctors do surgery and there are help for people who needs it.
參考: - נυѕт αησтнєя dαу
2009-07-12 2:26 am
When we traveled to China to adopt our daughter we took medicine with us. That is what our Chinese only adoption agency told us to do. We took plenty of over the counter stuff like cold meds and stuff for upset stomach. Our family doctor wrote us scripts for antibiotics and stuff in case we got sick.
What medicine we didn't use (never got more than an upset tummy) we donated to the orphanage.
2009-07-11 5:33 pm
In any decent hospitals, you have two choices
1. see a doctor with modem medical degree
2. see a doctor with traditional Chinese medical degree

Either way, all hospitals have modern equipments like you see anywhere on this planet.

Generally, modern medicines have faster effect due to they are focusing on suppressing the sympotems.
While Chinese medicines often goes for the source, and will take longer to show effects.

Modern medicines have more negative effects due to they are made of mostly chemical components.
Traditional Chinese medicines usually have less negative side effects due to they are all natural - mostly made from herbs(don't worry, "modern" Chinese medicines often made herbs into pills as well so easy for you to take instead of the awful taste medicine soup).

Animal parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine, but for every 1 animal part, there are 500 herbs. So the chance of have to use animal part is slim. I have never heard of any bat wing or snake scale used in Chinese medicine as they have no medical use to my knowledge. So don't make that up.

P.S. Traditional Chinese medicine sometimes would seem to be amazing. Since most traditional doctors are trained to be able to tell what kind of long term sickness you have by simply checking your pulse(such as if you have kidney problem, high blood pressure, liver problem...etc. etc. they can tell in seconds). But due to it is very much depended on individual skills and experience, running into a less experienced/skilled doctor might not be as good.
The chance of getting a good doctor would be higher if the doctor is older...but not guaranteed. Losers get old too you know lol...

P.S. Don't listen to that dude who claim China reuse the needles. China stopped doing that over 20 years ago.
2009-07-11 1:17 am
traditional medicine is more expensive than western technologies, so you will be treated the way you are used to...
2009-07-11 3:06 am
NO. Although some other answers said yes, let me just share my experience. IN the hospitals, they are still mostly using large bore needles and glass IV bottles. Needles are washed and re used. Hows that recycling working for ya!? hahaha. If you have an emergengy, there will be no rushing around or urgency at all on your behalf. They do not value human life here nearly as much as in the west. Be prepared for lots of staring and gawking and standing around waiting for someone to make a decision. They are still giving out some very antiquated medicines, such as creosote for stomach discomfort. Also, there are no quality controls on medicines in china, which is why HK does a booming business selling them to mainlanders, and even such things as shower gel and shampoo are often faked. The lights are not usually on in a hospital. and you may have to hire a helper to do such things as empty your bedpan, bring you food that you need to pay for, and change your sheets once a month. Nurses? well, they are there. Seriously. Its a nightmare. Dont get sick and bring lots of cash. Nearly everyone is bribeable. BRING it if you think you will NEED it. Especially some stomach rememdies. Not so hygenic food prep.

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