46,770,000,000.00 Help!!!?

2009-07-10 11:03 am
Is this in the millions or billions?

回答 (8)

2009-07-10 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Answer: forty-six billion seven hundred seventy million (46,770,000,000.00)
2009-07-10 6:26 pm
million trillion,million billion,million million,trillion,billion,million,thousand,hundred

although your answer goes to the trillion

46 trillion, 770 million
2009-07-10 6:21 pm
46,770,000,000 is in the billions.
2009-07-10 6:13 pm
It reads 46billions,770millions.
2009-07-10 6:11 pm
billion --
2009-07-10 6:07 pm
that number is 46 billion 770 million.
參考: me
2009-07-10 6:07 pm
2009-07-10 6:07 pm
It's in billions. .00 has nothing to do with it, so you can rewrite it as 46,770,000,000 and completely disregard .00.

Hope this helps.

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